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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. bostonmick

    Public liability insurance

    Thanks I will give both a try. 
  2. bostonmick

    Public liability insurance

    Does anyone know where I might get a quote for insurance for a small club I am secretary of. All I get on the usual Google is single shooters insurance. I have tried a few local brokers but no joy. Tia
  3. bostonmick

    beretta shooters

    Dt11 black. 
  4. bostonmick

    The joys of CPSA membership

    My comment was not regarding everyday questions that can be answered over the phone but more the standing up for and protecting members. I include basc and all the other organisations in the criticism. Even as far as I understand basc have withdrawn from social media sites as they were unable to...
  5. bostonmick

    The joys of CPSA membership

    Apart from those employed by the cpsa I have yet to find anyone who has a good thing to say about them. And definitely nobody that has had any help from them. 
  6. bostonmick

    Abuse of Referees

    I have witnessed abuse towards referees in the past. And it saddens me to say all have been A class shooters. I believe if a shooter is abusive his card should be torn up at the stand. 
  7. bostonmick

    GMK strike again

    So you have one coming that's good. No doubt it will come through gmk. As for price maybe they won't give price on backorders due to the way the pound keeps diving against the euro. If they gave you a price today but was higher in say six weeks all that would do is give you another reason to...
  8. bostonmick

    PERAZZI 2020

    Maybe because beretta still make their guns with a touch of class. Unlike perazzi who err on the side of crass these days. Remember the mxs very tastefully decorated. 
  9. bostonmick

    Commission sales?

    I have sold a couple through my local l dealer. I was charged 10% although the guns I sold were of a far higher value than the one you want to part with. On low value guns he charges 15%.the advantage with them is they can offer finance and in my ones case will consider part exchange. Also you...
  10. bostonmick

    Are semi autos okay now?

    You sure are allowed to have fun while shooting. As lo g as it's done in a safe way. And you are also allowed to have fun on forums with a little fluffy rabbits. It's what forums are all about. :)
  11. bostonmick

    Cert Renewal and GP

    This was done i read on another forum somebody sent in their medical records. However the police sent it back and stated they wanted doctors report and would not process the application further without it. So as a single shooter we are all between a rock and a hard place. I also believe that...
  12. bostonmick

    Cert Renewal and GP

    Give it twenty years and shooting will be consigned to just watching video footage of past times in this country. All the organisations are so short sighted they need to go to specsavers
  13. bostonmick

    Cert Renewal and GP

    Lincs police went on national television to state they required a doctors letter with every application grant or renewal paid for by the applicant. No letter no certificate. So ignore it at your peril. 
  14. bostonmick

    Cert Renewal and GP

    With the organisations refusing to take any real action against this. If you refuse to comply on a stand alone basis I think your guns would soon be in storage anyway. 
  15. bostonmick

    Cert Renewal and GP

    Lincs. Merseyside and I heard Kent are all saying no medical report no certificate. And of course doctors are going to make a charge as its out of their normal. Our organisations are all aware of this new rule imposed outside of ho guidlines but have all chosen to turn the other cheek. So just...
  16. bostonmick


    So far as reinventing the wheel. Beretta made. Mobil. Optima. Optima plus and optima hp. And I am sure they say each is better than the previous. Or are they all just tubes. 
  17. bostonmick


    I take it that those who claim that teague can tune a cartridge of specific type to your gun with their system are talking crap. Also beretta make guns with different barrels but use the same choke a sp will have optima and a dt10 will have the same yet barrels are different. A large part of...
  18. bostonmick


    You may be correct they are just tubes. But cartridges are just cartridges. And it beggars the question why are so many p guns on sale with teague fitted. Or do p not know much about chokes. 
  19. bostonmick

    How to score - hit but not broken..

    Best if everyone stuck to the simple rule. Visible piece off the clay. Otherwise how do you gauge how much dust or how much deviation constitutes a hit or miss. Also clays can and do deviate through wind conditions so those less scrupulous shooters would be claiming every missed bird as  a hit...
  20. bostonmick


    I have been using them for several years now and as I said I have confidence in them,i know of the stories about them splitting and have seen a couple that were failing due to the coating coming away,this was on the featherlight ones of alloy construction,i understand the new ones are stainless...