Cert Renewal and GP

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2013
North Pole
I've got my FEO visit on Monday, which is good,

However ive just a call from my GP's surgery stating they have been approached regarding a licence request 

There stance is they wont reply to the information request, as they dont get paid. If i want one i will have to pay 

Should i bring this up with the FEO on monday, or just ignore it ?

My GPS surgery is renowned for charging for anything they can .

I've got my FEO visit on Monday, which is good,

However ive just a call from my GP's surgery stating they have been approached regarding a licence request 

There stance is they wont reply to the information request, as they dont get paid. If i want one i will have to pay 

Should i bring this up with the FEO on monday, or just ignore it ?

My GPS surgery is renowned for charging for anything they can .
I know it's against the guidance but if you want a hassle free life and a shotgun cert I would just pay the fee and crack on. Here in Lincolnshire the police ignore the guidance anyway and make their own rules up and we have to have the report, other forces will follow suit and then the guidance will no doubt change anyway to make the medical report compulsory.

Lincs. Merseyside and I heard Kent are all saying no medical report no certificate. And of course doctors are going to make a charge as its out of their normal. Our organisations are all aware of this new rule imposed outside of ho guidlines but have all chosen to turn the other cheek. So just pay and hopefully you will have no problem. 

"Lincs. Merseyside and I heard Kent" i don't think he lives in any of those counties,i may be wrong.

Not asking Santa to make a stand but surely if we just allow them to make these rules with no legal justification we may as well just hand our guns in and give up as it will only be the thin end of the wedge?


"Lincs. Merseyside and I heard Kent" i don't think he lives in any of those counties,i may be wrong.

Not asking Santa to make a stand but surely if we just allow them to make these rules with no legal justification we may as well just hand our guns in and give up as it will only be the thin end of the wedge?

With the organisations refusing to take any real action against this. If you refuse to comply on a stand alone basis I think your guns would soon be in storage anyway. 

Does it not explain in the notes, that should be read in conjunction with the application/renewal. TVP notes tell you what you are liable to be charged for, or not as the case may be concerning medical advise/enquiries.

6. If you have disclosed a relevant medical condition the police may ask you to obtain a medical report from your GP/specialist. You are expected to meet the cost if a fee is charged for this. If further information is required the police may request and pay for a further report.

7. Where no relevant medical conditions are disclosed the police will contact your GP asking if they are aware of any relevant medical conditions or have any concerns about the grant of the firearm or shotgun certificate. Depending on the reply, the police may ask you to obtain a medical report from your GP/specialist. You are expected to meet the cost if a fee is charged for this. If further information is required the police may request and pay for a further report.

8. The police will ask your GP to place an encoded reminder on your patient record to indicate that you have been issued with a firearm or shotgun certificate. The GP is asked to notify the police if, following issue of the certificate, you are diagnosed with or treated for a relevant medical condition (listed in note 5), or if the GP has other concerns about your possession of a certificate that might affect your safe possession of firearms. Following contact from your GP there may be a need for a medical report to be obtained to assist with assessment of your continued suitability to possess a firearm or shotgun certificate. The police will pay if a medical report is required.

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Lincs police went on national television to state they required a doctors letter with every application grant or renewal paid for by the applicant. No letter no certificate. So ignore it at your peril. 

The so-called 'shooting organisations' such as BASC etc are a total waste of space, and the writing seems to be very much on the wall regarding doctor's certificates, so I think it's definitely going to be a case of "no pay, no play". Just put it down as another expense for your hobby.

Give it twenty years and shooting will be consigned to just watching video footage of past times in this country. All the organisations are so short sighted they need to go to specsavers

Does it not explain in the notes, that should be read in conjunction with the application/renewal. TVP notes tell you what you are liable to be charged for, or not as the case may be concerning medical advise/enquiries.

6. If you have disclosed a relevant medical condition the police may ask you to obtain a medical report from your GP/specialist. You are expected to meet the cost if a fee is charged for this. If further information is required the police may request and pay for a further report.

7. Where no relevant medical conditions are disclosed the police will contact your GP asking if they are aware of any relevant medical conditions or have any concerns about the grant of the firearm or shotgun certificate. Depending on the reply, the police may ask you to obtain a medical report from your GP/specialist. You are expected to meet the cost if a fee is charged for this. If further information is required the police may request and pay for a further report.

8. The police will ask your GP to place an encoded reminder on your patient record to indicate that you have been issued with a firearm or shotgun certificate. The GP is asked to notify the police if, following issue of the certificate, you are diagnosed with or treated for a relevant medical condition (listed in note 5), or if the GP has other concerns about your possession of a certificate that might affect your safe possession of firearms. Following contact from your GP there may be a need for a medical report to be obtained to assist with assessment of your continued suitability to possess a firearm or shotgun certificate. The police will pay if a medical report is required.
I stated on my cert i had had a stroke,  - but according to note 4/5   stroke is not  clearly identified as notifiable.  I spoke with my FEO, and they advised to put it on there. 

I dont know what they have asked for, i'll find out on Monday.

But if i have to pay, i'll lay money on my Practice wanting £100+  for the report

But if i have to pay, i'll lay money on my Practice wanting £100+  for the report
The rough price of 500 cartridges, or 4/5 50 bird local shoots, or another way of thinning out the licence holders.

I stated on my cert i had had a stroke,  - but according to note 4/5   stroke is not  clearly identified as notifiable.  I spoke with my FEO, and they advised to put it on there. 

I dont know what they have asked for, i'll find out on Monday.

But if i have to pay, i'll lay money on my Practice wanting £100+  for the report
I suppose it is, as I say what  does it say in the notes from your issuing force. "...if the POLICE ASK YOU then YOU will be liable for the cost."  On the other hand ..."If the POLICE ARE REQUESTING further information then THEY will pay".  If the police haven't asked you to obtain the report, then it is down to them to pay IMO, that would be my take on the notes from TVP, but it seems that each individual force are making their own rules up.

I keep seeing people saying its only this much money it doesn't matter...you are all crazy!

Its not about the money its about the police and NHS effectively making rules,regulations and what may become law by themselves through the back door.

This is about your right as an individual to not be persecuted for what you choose to do,again it is the thin end of the wedge!

Santa i believe for a regulated fee you can obtain a copy of your medical records,if you have nothing to hide send them the whole lot,,,if everybody did this i am pretty sure they will stop asking as it requires EFFORT on their part.

I keep seeing people saying its only this much money it doesn't matter...you are all crazy!

Its not about the money its about the police and NHS effectively making rules,regulations and what may become law by themselves through the back door.

This is about your right as an individual to not be persecuted for what you choose to do,again it is the thin end of the wedge!

Santa i believe for a regulated fee you can obtain a copy of your medical records,if you have nothing to hide send them the whole lot,,,if everybody did this i am pretty sure they will stop asking as it requires EFFORT on their part.
This was done i read on another forum somebody sent in their medical records. However the police sent it back and stated they wanted doctors report and would not process the application further without it. So as a single shooter we are all between a rock and a hard place. I also believe that basc have stopped putting statements on public forums as they were being criticised for not putting the almost three million of reserves they hold into protecting us the members with our money. 

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Ok an update, with a twist .

The FEO arrived , this morning,

Turns out I recoginsed her & she recogised me,  from many years ago when she worked in the magistrates court .. (long story but not related)   

She alos knows my wife as well.  (i knew her by her maiden name, so it was good to have a catch up) 

I mentioned about my GP's refusal, she wasnt phased ,  she said if they choose not to comply thats down to them,  ive done as i was asked. 

It was more indepth this time round, persons in the house, security & she had a list of medication i had to check over, one i had taken was on the list, but over 5 years ago,

so no issues there .

A quick gun  / cab check.  and it was  done,

She said the paperwork would go to her colleage  and i i should get my cert shortly :) un less there were any issues , but she couldnt see any 

i mentioned that it was 4 days last time  so they had to beat that ;)

Update: :)  

Just had a phone call - cert will be delivered this afternoon :)

they just wanted to add some additional advise because of my stroke


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