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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Dog Tyred

    Something new....

    Surprised nobody has mentioned a good quality gun slip yet? Hard case is ideal for transportation to and from the ground but when you are there you will need a gun slip to a) protect your gun from bumps and bangs and bad weather and b ) free your hands so you can smoke, drink, eat, etc, etc...
  2. Dog Tyred

    BBC News Quiz

    5 ex 7. Seems to be a relatively easy stand this week :) DT
  3. Dog Tyred

    Must resist 486..

    Don't buy it.  :stop: Whats a 486? DT
  4. Dog Tyred

    Any personal goals for the 2017 season?

    My goal this year is to learn how to hit straight trap targets consistently  :rolleyes: DT
  5. Dog Tyred

    Nuthampstead Shooting Ground

    Bearing in mind they charge you £10 deposit fot the card itself I have never felt wealthy enough to actually keep one  :) DT
  6. Dog Tyred

    OT Target distance in Italy

    Sacrilidge  :no:   If they are not OT speed then it's not OT.  Amazed the Italians would even dream of such a thing. It's their National sport  :no: DT
  7. Dog Tyred

    BBC News Quiz

    After a shaky 0 for 2 start to the Quiz relieved to score 5 :) DT
  8. Dog Tyred

    2017 UT world championships

    There you go. You knew the answer all along :) DT
  9. Dog Tyred

    2017 UT world championships

    So will Fitasc change their website accordingly? DT
  10. Dog Tyred

    BBC News Quiz of the week

    Ditto DT
  11. Dog Tyred

    CPSA Issue 51 Cut Offs

    Rupert Your new classification will be effective from 1st December 2016 and is based on your averages as at 31st October 2016. If you log on to the CPSA website > 'Members' > 'Your averages and scores' then the current averages shown are bang up to date. At the top RH corner of the page...
  12. Dog Tyred

    2017 UT world championships

    Can some please put up a link to the ground? I can't find anything  :( DT
  13. Dog Tyred

    2017 UT world championships

    Are you still sure about this UT rep thing?  Where's the exit  :unsure: DT
  14. Dog Tyred

    Bye Bye Double Trap ???

    I think you'll find its 3 DTL traps locked off :)  Left right and straightaway Shot it once. Crap at it so never bothered again :( DT
  15. Dog Tyred

    Ive Quit!

    :D DT
  16. Dog Tyred

    Cartridge Prices

    So the current euro/£ exchange rate (1.16) is 11% lower than pre-Brexit rate (1.30) so they put cartridge prices up by 18%. :unsure:  F*cking ridiculous. The most it (£) went down was 15% and its been gaining value ever since. Didn't notice prices dropping when the euro/£ rate went up to 1.44...
  17. Dog Tyred

    Beretta Optima Flush Chokes

    Got a 3/4 extended Optima choke for sale. Might look a bit out of place at a game shoot though? PM me if interested. DT
  18. Dog Tyred

    El Sid

    Fame at last Sid :) DT
  19. Dog Tyred

    News Quiz of the Week

    4 for me also.  DT
  20. Dog Tyred

    Winter Lay-off

    Anymore than a couple of weeks and I'm chomping at the bit to pull the trigger as well. Would shoot every week if I could but divorce would be too expensive. Addiction ? Yes. Does addiction improve performance? Not in my case. :( DT