Nuthampstead Shooting Ground

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Well-known member
May 22, 2012
Nuthampstead SG have announced today on their Facebook page that any credit currently on the shooting card used to pay for rounds will not be valid after 31st December.

There's nothing on their website which is well out of date, according to it you can still be coached by Martin Barker who died earlier in the year.

The cards will be wiped and new credit must be purchased and put on after 1st January. Even stranger is the price isn't going up it remains the same £7 for OT and UT.

Shooting and foot springs to mind.

Lets hope this is enough notice for everybody then.

Where are their "Terms & Conditions" relating to their 2016 "Nuthampstead Card" showing that the cards are only valid until 31st December 2016 and that any remaining credit will not be honoured in 2017? Seriously how do these owners come up with these illegal ideas? They must be desperate for money. Small Claims Court and local Trading Standards come to mind. 

Pretty shocking, i have a similar card at another ground that offers incentives to bulk up, currently over 400 clays in credit.

not making many friends are they. Sounds to me like Dec has been a quiet month and its a way of "forcing" people to go in order to use the card credit thing.

Bearing in mind they charge you £10 deposit fot the card itself I have never felt wealthy enough to actually keep one  :)


... £7 for OT and UT.


You actually have to pay £7 for a round of OT with 25 clays or full 125 clays?!

Is this standard price for UK?

I was sure we are getting ripped here in Poland but from what i see its the other way around :p

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that's £7 per line if 25 and yes that's an average price throughout the UK

That's a fair price! £4 a round i pay on an Island off the west coast up North! £8.50 a box of 150(10 boxes min)

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