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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Andy S

    Owls Lodge 19th Dec Registered

    Unfortunately one cannot attend this Thursday, as I have to go to work, to attend a meeting in St Albans at 10:00 :fie:
  2. Andy S

    Have Caesar lost Amber Hill to Perazzi

    No, IPS is a B Man through and through or so he tells us.
  3. Andy S

    Have Caesar lost Amber Hill to Perazzi

    Good Luck to Amber, if the deal and support is considered, in the opinon her and her advisers, to be better from Perazzi than CG then the wright choice has been made. I know a sponsored trap shooter, whom moved manufacturers because he considered the deal to be better with Perazzi than his...
  4. Andy S

    favourite track

    We went to see a good tribute band the other Saturday, called Purple Zeppelin, who play the first hour as Deep Purple and then the next as Led Zeppelin,  really enjoyable.
  5. Andy S

    favourite track

    My Brother plays lead guitar, in a Bon Jovi tribute band, they even have some dates booked to play abroad next year. :preved:
  6. Andy S

    favourite track

    Now you are really showing your age, I was 9-10 years old then :haha:
  7. Andy S

    favourite track

    You can't beat Vinyl, there was just something about it when buying a new album, you felt like you were getting something for you money and you could read the sleeve notes and not need a magnifing glass. As for the playing well just lowering the needle down onto the first side just had something...
  8. Andy S

    favourite track

    You must have some coloured vinyl in there? I think I have a couple but I know  have the Motorhead greatist hits album which has a Leather sleeve.
  9. Andy S

    favourite track

    Didn't see AC DC but did go and see Ozzy headline at Donnington in 86 i think. However  I did go to see Deep Purple at Knebworth in 1985 and that was the loudest concert ever for the time, offical record and all apparently. Stood in the rain all day but was so worth it.
  10. Andy S

    favourite track

    That story or a version of it was on a TV program that I watched a few years ago. It might also have been Uncle Alans party trick aswell.
  11. Andy S

    Order of difficulty of trap disciplines

    John, Yes it is anywhere within the 45 deg arc, but the height is fixed, ( copied fron the CPSA rules) At a distance of 9.14m (10yd) from the trap, a regular target shall attain a height of 2.44m (2.66yd) to 3.05m (3.33yd). To ensure the correct elevation, a 2.44m (2.66yd) pole with a hoop 61cm...
  12. Andy S

    Order of difficulty of trap disciplines

    With DTL you have to shoot 5 targets from each peg before moving, however the trap machine moves a random amount after each throw of the arm, so you get random targets for your 5 on each peg. The added difficulty comes from knowing that you cannot afford to miss with the first barrel, as a 2 or...
  13. Andy S

    Interesting take on the centre bead

    The first time we went we hired a campervan drove from Cairns down to Sidney and did over 3,100kM following Highway one down the coast road. At one point in Queensland on a very long straight road it was empty for as far as we could see in both directions and stayed this way for a long long time...
  14. Andy S

    Kids Tv clips from your yoof

    One for Wonko the Sane, well he is in one the later books
  15. Andy S

    Kids Tv clips from your yoof

    As most of the lunchtime programmes have been covered heres one from the Saturday night
  16. Andy S

    Who's where on Sunday?

    I watched a few shooters miss that low right, one I saw certainly was motoring it landed nearly at the top of the bushes!
  17. Andy S

    Interesting take on the centre bead

    The post was mainly made in jest forgot to add the :biggrin: Combs are set and left alone, made up spacers for the posts so that I always have a referrence point if I change, say to use the trap gun for sporting or skeet. Although  I have made adjustments, as I have lost 11kG in weight...
  18. Andy S

    Interesting take on the centre bead

    I'm in trouble with my guns then, both have adjustable combs and mid beads! Although only one has multi-chokes, the other, trap gun, is fixed, but does have a nice soft comb on it though.
  19. Andy S

    Who's where on Sunday?

    The light was very poor at Bisley on Sunday morning, I shot DTL at around 09:15 I shall blame that for my poor first round of 19!!! I watched Carl Miles shoot OT and he had clear glasses on and I think had a first round of 21 and was on to a reasonable score on a later one. With no glasses on I...
  20. Andy S

    Gun fiddlers syndrome ?

    No it is not a good idea. Set the gun up  in practise and leave it alone.