Order of difficulty of trap disciplines

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Well-known member
May 9, 2013
What is the perceived order of difficulty of the trap shooting disciplines? I have only shot OT, UT and ABT so far. How easy is DTL? If say one hits 22ex25 at ABT what would you be likely to score ex 25 at DTL ?

Personally of the three I have shot I would go OT,UT then ABT as I say never tried DTL and the thought of two targets almost simultaneously fills me with fear so DT may be top but don't know really. I know Nic is a great believer in helice being the toughest but is that really a trap discipline or does it have a category of its own? Looks a bit like a small helicopter buzzing along :)

Hardest to hit reasonable score or hardest to win ?

They each have there own merits and problems all are hard to win as there are people at the top of there game in all of them.

Purely based on difficulty to shoot the target.





Based on classification cut-offs I would generally agree with IPS on the three fast trap disciplines, although I would say UT is slightly different and not as easy as ABT for newcomers to jump into.

Well I don't want to cause an argument its just a general question about the disciplines and which is most difficult to get a decent score in. I agree with Sidney re UT I still think it is more difficult to score consistently well vs ABT I think you get far more straight away targets with ABT due to position on the stand. The reason I asked was when out shooting on Wednesday someone mention they have a grand DTL competition in February at that club, I have never tried DTL before and wondered hope difficult it was.

Totaly agree with sid.

I have said before that imo ut is not the most difficult trap to shoot but its so different to the other 3 that it takes a bit of getting used to but once mastered and if you shoot a lot of it then theoreticaly it iwill be easier than ot or abt.

Well I don't want to cause an argument its just a general question about the disciplines and which is most difficult to get a decent score in. I agree with Sidney re UT I still think it is more difficult to score consistently well vs ABT I think you get far more straight away targets with ABT due to position on the stand. The reason I asked was when out shooting on Wednesday someone mention they have a grand DTL competition in February at that club, I have never tried DTL before and wondered hope difficult it was.
john I am sure you have read various discusssions on dtl on here. Dtl is not hard to shoot but it needs a certain mindset to shoot well and scores required to do well are mind boggling. In a major you will need a 300 usualy just to get in a shoot off. 290s are required to be anywere in any class, even at club level a C or B shooter needs 280s. easy to shoot a target, not that hard to shoot 25, and even 100 is not to difficult BUT 100 - 300 well that is another matter. The hardest part about dtl is the repetition which can become mind numbingly tedious. Top dtl shooters will tell you otherwise but they have a vested interest as they can win at it.

As a Sporting Shooter this is the easiest question I have ever answered!

Any discipline where you stand behind the trap with the target going away at any speed is difficult to hit with any regularity.

It's mind games in the extreme! Avoid at all costs!

Hats off to all you Trap Shooters who devote your lives in pursuit of this futile excercise. 

I just hope they have Sporting in Heaven and Trap down below and not the other way round!  :sarcastic: (Unless I go down of course!).

Sounds like the DTL may not be my thing! I don't like repetitive targets and shooting only three different targets would be repetitive. when I looked at the stand it was interesting that the pegs were in an sort of circular orientation rather than straight across.

My god people are agreeing with me.... a red letter day to be sure!! I must tell the wife!

Despite averages I have always felt UT is slightly more challenging, the fact you have to cover a wider area for target acquisition for me makes it tricky. I also think you need more 'tools in your skills box' to shoot it well. If you do shoot it with i higher gun hold its a lot easier to start jumping as you can see the target more easily before it climbs above the gun, although traditionally its the wrong way to shoot you need to be able to 'stop and chop' successfully for when you do make a slight mistake to keep your scores up.

Edit.... I am talking abt and UT here. OT is without question the hardest of the 3 in my humble opinion.

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IMO, its





(Havent tried Double Trap, Helice or double rise etc)

UT is hardest for me because you dont know where the target is going (like all trap disciplines), but you also dont know where its coming from either! (more so than all the others anyway) And the speeds & angles are the same (I stand to be corrected here) as in OT. But Ive only shot a few hundred OT & UT, and probably 150 or so ABT. Couple of thousand DTL.

In terms of target difficulty it's obviously OT. In terms of winning titles undoubtedly DTL. The easy targets make for absolutely no margin of error. Win or bust makes many minds buckle.

I was advised that the judge of difficulty was how many targets it took to single out a winner.  At the highest level,  columbaire pigeons seldom go past ten, box birds could be anything up to 20-30, helice maybe 50, OT lately looks like 150 or so, etc.

When I was still a so-so shooter instead of a total hack, helice seemed the most difficult because I was so far from my expectations.  It just never LOOKED that difficult, but .......................

JMO of course

IMO, itsUT,OT,ABT,DTL(Havent tried Double Trap, Helice or double rise etc) UT is hardest for me because you dont know where the target is going (like all trap disciplines), but you also dont know where its coming from either! (more so than all the others anyway) And the speeds & angles are the same (I stand to be corrected here) as in OT. But Ive only shot a few hundred OT & UT, and probably 150 or so ABT. Couple of thousand DTL.
rob, the only reason you are finding ut difficult at the moment iis because you havent got your head around the pick up point. If you adopt the wrong hold point and or focus point you are in danger of moving too soon. Ut is a waiting game you must hold back until you see the target correctly, as I say its very different to the other stuff but once you get your head around it you will be right.

You going degla tommorow ?

As a Sporting Shooter this is the easiest question I have ever answered!

Any discipline where you stand behind the trap with the target going away at any speed is difficult to hit with any regularity.

It's mind games in the extreme! Avoid at all costs!

Hats off to all you Trap Shooters who devote your lives in pursuit of this futile excercise. 

I just hope they have Sporting in Heaven and Trap down below and not the other way round!  :sarcastic: (Unless I go down of course!).
Nice to get a comment from a sporter that appreciates the difficulty of fast trap disciplines even if he doesn't want to shoot it. Makes a change from the usual 'all going away targets, how hard can it be be?' comments!

For me of the disciplines shot I would list them as OT, UT, ABT, DTL. That said I would rank OT and UT very close.


Agreed topdog does indeed seem to be a rather pleasant chap, pity he hasnt seen the trap light yet :)

Just checked the stats and they concur ot abt ut dtl in that order. But as sid and I have said ut is only the easiest when you work it out. Pity there is not more ut available as it would possibly be more popular than ot given the politics of ot.

rob, the only reason you are finding ut difficult at the moment iis because you havent got your head around the pick up point. If you adopt the wrong hold point and or focus point you are in danger of moving too soon. Ut is a waiting game you must hold back until you see the target correctly, as I say its very different to the other stuff but once you get your head around it you will be right.

You going degla tommorow ?
Hmm, maybe your right Ian. Need more practice!

SHooting DTL at Mid Wales 10:15, then back up the road to hopefully get on last squad at Degla! Wasnt shooting today (first saturday or sunday off shooting in about 2 months!) so have to make up tomorrow!

You heading over to Beverley?

Sounds like the DTL may not be my thing! I don't like repetitive targets and shooting only three different targets would be repetitive. when I looked at the stand it was interesting that the pegs were in an sort of circular orientation rather than straight across.
With DTL you have to shoot 5 targets from each peg before moving, however the trap machine moves a random amount after each throw of the arm, so you get random targets for your 5 on each peg. The added difficulty comes from knowing that you cannot afford to miss with the first barrel, as a 2 or 0 will wreck your score, unlike the others where it doesn't matter, unless it is OT for the single barrel final.
