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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Macc Ladd

    If you were starting again,,,,,,

    Learn that I needed a trap gun and not a sporter, that held me back for quite a while!
  2. Macc Ladd

    If you were starting again,,,,,,

    I’d of shot off my left shoulder to avoid my eye dominance!! (If it was possible) I’d of had lessons of one of the best a lot earlier!
  3. Macc Ladd

    British Open, Garlands

    As proved in years gone by, it’s one of the top shots that bags the trophy/title. First 4 days for qualifying 👍, I couldn’t edit 🙃 once posted. I do agree with what you said (multiple opinions etc) if your not one of the top scorers on the day, you can only shoot for class wins!!
  4. Macc Ladd

    British Open, Garlands

    If all the top shots shot on the same day, winner takes all without the shoot offs!!! But this is fairer as different days, different weather/winds. As I said earlier, everyone knows the score before entering! So the first 3 days are all about qualifying!!
  5. Macc Ladd

    British Open, Garlands

    They know the setup/rules before they pay their entry money!
  6. Macc Ladd

    Oxford Gun Company Issue

    Good point 👍 The person should of asked what fees were being charged, that would of made things clear/simple
  7. Macc Ladd

    Oxford Gun Company Issue

    Spot on Will 👌
  8. Macc Ladd

    Oxford Gun Company Issue

    Taking the piss I say!!! But I would of asked the score before I left it there!
  9. Macc Ladd

    Pitch and POI

    A young lad I’m friendly with did just that!! He was finding he had to shoot above some targets to kill them, by adding a wedge, made by him he’s found that he’s not getting bruised and he now shoots where he’s looking. His words 👍
  10. Macc Ladd

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    I really struggled on quartering targets, Close 1/4ing I let the bird beat the gun and use gun speed, usually shoot at most.
  11. Macc Ladd

    New old gun

    You landed on your feet with that 👌
  12. Macc Ladd

    Eye Dominance

    Just curious, the bit about not being bothered what eye dominance he has! If he’s AA/AAA and he’s got some secret I don’t know about 😜 Or maybe just shoots non comps
  13. Macc Ladd

    Eye Dominance

    Out of curiosity what class are you in? In 2021 In 2023
  14. Macc Ladd

    New gun time

    I should of read this first, great reply Will.
  15. Macc Ladd

    New gun time

    Check both guns for fit, always better to see a little more rib than none!!
  16. Macc Ladd

    New gun time

    Miroku or Browning are my personal preferences. I shot a MK38 trap for quite a few years (certainly helped me climb the ladder through the classes). It’s all about what you prefer to be mind. Good luck