If you were starting again,,,,,,

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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ShootClay Supporter
Jan 8, 2023
What would you do?
I read all of the sporting result posts and it appears that there are many very handy shooters on this site. Of course, we also have true world class shooters sharing their views.
If you were starting again, what would you do differently, what would you do to advance quickly. What comes first, what in hindsight did you waste time on?
I'm sure there'll be many similarities but would be interesting to see peoples thoughts.
More lessons and better coaches, some just tell you what to do, the better one’s really explain how to do it. Plus as Will said don’t change guns often ,stick with one gun that you get on with
Taken up golf ! 😄
Yeh, I did that around 30 years ago. I absolutely loved golf, totally dedicated to it and got reasonably good, 4hcp. One day, no idea why but I just fell out of love with it. Went back to it for a couple of (Covid) years when my kids started to play and got back down to 4hcp again but it just doesn't interest me anymore.
So here I am, shooting!
I wouldn’t have bought a Winchester 1400 auto and kept it in the wardrobe , I wouldn’t have bought a Zabala side by side , i wouldn’t have bought 32 gm S&B paper . I wouldn’t have worn Dunlop safety welly boots with red toe caps , I’d have ignored advice from my mates , and listened to the enlightened who carried a skeet gun and a trap gun … but that was 1973 and a 25 bird ‘straw baler ‘ was a magical morning out .
Not take an extended break after first started shooting however looking back, girls-girlfriend -wife-children-work-mortgages-financial crash(s)-cricket-rugby- grandchild have all been a welcome distraction etc, for me shooting needs to be a regular activity or you do lose a bit (or a lot) of an edge.

Good luck on your journey.
What would you do?
I read all of the sporting result posts and it appears that there are many very handy shooters on this site. Of course, we also have true world class shooters sharing their views.
If you were starting again, what would you do differently, what would you do to advance quickly. What comes first, what in hindsight did you waste time on?
I'm sure there'll be many similarities but would be interesting to see peoples thoughts.
I’d of shot off my left shoulder to avoid my eye dominance!! (If it was possible)
I’d of had lessons of one of the best a lot earlier!
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Not take an extended break after first started shooting however looking back, girls-girlfriend -wife-children-work-mortgages-financial crash(s)-cricket-rugby- grandchild have all been a welcome distraction etc, for me shooting needs to be a regular activity or you do lose a bit (or a lot) of an edge.

Good luck on your journey.
Learn that I needed a trap gun and not a sporter, that held me back for quite a while!
I spoke to a world Olympic trap and world class sporting shooter and asked , did he have a "trap gun" for OT? His answer was i use the same gun for everything.Seems to me that you either have the right tool for yourself or you dont,what category you label it with is irrelevant.