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  1. k80ben

    Plastic or Fibre wad 24g or 28g 7.5-6

    Fibre are terrible. And to use less pellets and be at a disadvantage makes no sense at all
  2. k80ben

    Thin young lad needs a no kick gun!

    Disagree if he’s getting that marking nothing going to fix that. And putting a plaster over it is making it worse it needs a real fix
  3. k80ben

    Thin young lad needs a no kick gun!

    Nothing to do with cartridge all mount n gun fit
  4. k80ben

    Would you try shooting from your other shoulder?

    Spot on and spot on 2 different things
  5. k80ben

    Would you try shooting from your other shoulder?

    Not met a shop that can fit
  6. k80ben

    Would you try shooting from your other shoulder?

    What I’m saying is cast on and off is just that There is no cast that is right or left. Only one that fits the shooter Example cast on might fit one right handed and the next guy is left and it fits him
  7. k80ben

    Length Matters it seems….

    Not sure I understand what you’re saying ??? A auto has a substantially longer action so the barrel length becomes untrue but this wouldn’t have any impact on fit
  8. k80ben

    Would you try shooting from your other shoulder?

    Again it wouldn’t matter mate
  9. k80ben

    Would you try shooting from your other shoulder?

    This wouldn’t make a difference there is no right or left hand stick just cast on and off
  10. k80ben

    Bennelli 828'S'

    No good high end recoil and reliability issues and the shim system same with all autos doesn’t actually achieve anything positive only movement throughout
  11. k80ben

    only shoot 1/2 & 3/4

    I would say both are talking complete rubbish
  12. k80ben

    Reasons for missing

    Maybe your bathroom light. As no one has ever heard of you apart from you on here (your last forum) asking about a book that’s only good for keeping a door open
  13. k80ben

    Reasons for missing

    Possibly because u troll forums and snag beginners and those that know no better Pete. Re starting dead conversations because it’s the only way you shine light on yourself. Shame u choose here to ruin lately
  14. k80ben

    Reasons for missing

    Mate don’t bother. There’s deluded and this is a whole new level. USELESS
  15. k80ben

    Reasons for missing

    No no fear it’s just factual I in fact support and with with many other coaches. As a test I brought up your name with the top 8 USA shooters yesterday 3 never heard of you and 5 said look he tried hard and he’s a nice old man just very limited in his knowledge or variations of such. As I said...
  16. k80ben

    Reasons for missing

    I think as we can categorise people’s levels. If you take the top 25 in the world they would all disagree with everything you’re saying. These guys are also the top instructors. Considering u have never been in the worlds top 500 shots or instructors what would make the public think your way...
  17. k80ben

    Reasons for missing

    Seeing the barrel is imperative to good shooting. But take no advice from anyone who can’t hit them. Without a post being deleted the constant poster here is wrong is nearly every aspect he is saying
  18. k80ben

    Reasons for missing

    Yup I started 26 years ago in Miami then Houston. All I can say is off the forums no one heard of you. And the top shots that have just say nice guy knows nothing about shooting Last time u treated this like an airport and announced your departure let’s at least stick by one thing u say and...
  19. k80ben

    Reasons for missing

    I’m just building ranges in Saudi, Oman, Dubai and USA. Normally your peddling may work but on here people have seen through it and I have the pedigree and knowledge to add weight to their claims. I reiterate this isn’t a personal attack. And deep down you may believe in what u say that’s a...