Lead to Steel Choke Conversion

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Yes - I understand the effect of the choke is double that for lead.

I'm guessing however that (as with lead) may change depending upon gun, choke & cartridge.

If we go all steel then I can see a new market in 1/16, 3/16, 5/16, 7/16 chokes for steel. It's also interesting that browning have adopted numbers for the chokes in the 825.
I've patterned an eley vip and gamebore dark storm 32 gram 4 in steel (3.25mm) against a hull high pheasant extreme 32 gram xtrm 6 (2.75mm) through 1/4 choke and the patterns were very similar indeed for spread. The steel wasn't as tight as I was expecting. I'm not usually a black gold/ dark storm fan, I find them a bit thumpy compared to some other cartridges. But the dark storm in steel were excellent, pretty smooth and killed up to 50 yards superbly. Both the dark storm and vip were standard steel not hp.
I've patterned an eley vip and gamebore dark storm 32 gram 4 in steel (3.25mm) against a hull high pheasant extreme 32 gram xtrm 6 (2.75mm) through 1/4 choke and the patterns were very similar indeed for spread. The steel wasn't as tight as I was expecting. I'm not usually a black gold/ dark storm fan, I find them a bit thumpy compared to some other cartridges. But the dark storm in steel were excellent, pretty smooth and killed up to 50 yards superbly. Both the dark storm and vip were standard steel not hp.
No recoil no energy