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  1. M

    EJ Churchill Shoot 2nd Nov

    Hi all,  I am taking the plunge and doing my first compeition CPSA shoot at Churchill on the 2nd November, I am fairly new to the sport!  Anyway would anyone be going or willing to take me under there wing on this day to help out?  Thanks in advance.  Mark
  2. M

    Seeing the shot

    Thanks very much all.  When I say seeing the shot, I honestly have no idea generally where I missed, in front, behind etc, that was probably the main thing!!  The instructor says, where did you miss that, I say no idea, he says, in front and high etc..!! I just wondered if it was something...
  3. M

    Seeing the shot

    Hi all,  Sorry for another thread!  I am still only a month in and just cannot see if I miss where I am missing, ie high low left or right, is this normal? I just can't see the shot as such?  Any advice?  Thanks Mark
  4. M

    Looking at the clay

    Thanks again all, it seems I am going in the right direction then!! One other thing I didn't ask, I at the moment simply cannot see if I shot above, below right or left, I just cannot see the shot, is this a problem or will it come in time? I just find it really hard to see and when my...
  5. M

    Looking at the clay

    Hi all, thanks for the warm welcome! Thanks very much for this, I was just slightly concerned that I would have no reference with "aiming" at the clay, but basically instinctive I think! I am still very much a beginner but it is sooooo addictive!!  I am Derby based so let me know if anyone...
  6. M

    Looking at the clay

    Hi all,  I took up clay shooting around 3 weeks ago and loving it!!  I have had some great instruction and am keeping both my eyes open with quite good success (some days!).  My question when I shoot I don't see the end of the barrel at all my brain seems to edit it out so in a way I have no...