Looking at the clay

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Apr 25, 2017
Hi all, 

I took up clay shooting around 3 weeks ago and loving it!! 

I have had some great instruction and am keeping both my eyes open with quite good success (some days!). 

My question when I shoot I don't see the end of the barrel at all my brain seems to edit it out so in a way I have no reference or so it seems, all I stare at is the clay, so in a way I feel it is kind of luck when I hit the clays!? My instructor says I am coming along nicely but thought I would ask and he also says it is normal and good I am not seeing the end of the barrel! When I see barrel cam shot videos on the web where it shows the cross (obviously I won't get that) but the link between the barrel and the clay I don't feel I get that as such. 

I think it is my mind overthinking this massively but thought I would mention it. 

Thanks all


I would say your doing very well if you aren`t seeing the barrels so early in your career ! Keep going as you are and good luck.

When you hit a tennis ball.... do you look at the racquet at all?  

What about a golf ball.... do you look at the club? 

Even kicking a ball.... your focus is entirely on the ball, not the laces... 

It sounds to me like you've conquered one thing that people struggle with a lot - keep at it, stop thinking, use the force etc. 

Above all else - enjoy your shooting, and welcome to the site!

When you hit a tennis ball.... do you look at the racquet at all?  

What about a golf ball.... do you look at the club? 

Even kicking a ball.... your focus is entirely on the ball, not the laces... 

It sounds to me like you've conquered one thing that people struggle with a lot - keep at it, stop thinking, use the force etc. 

Above all else - enjoy your shooting, and welcome to the site!
Well said that man!!! Hope you've recovered from Monaco......you flash git!!!   :lol:

It's the best way to shoot,it's called instinctive shooting.Good luck with your shooting and never go to the dark side,may the force be with you.

Hi all, thanks for the warm welcome!

Thanks very much for this, I was just slightly concerned that I would have no reference with "aiming" at the clay, but basically instinctive I think!

I am still very much a beginner but it is sooooo addictive!! 

I am Derby based so let me know if anyone shoots in this area, it would be nice to catch up with others! 



Hi Mark and welcome to the forum and the sport. You are doing exactly what I've been trying to get a mate of mine to do for weeks now. He's also very new to the sport and just won't stop checking between the clay and the gun, it's very frustrating to watch.

So, yes! You are doing the right thing. The fact is, you KNOW where the end of the gun is without looking.

My end bead came off my gun a while ago, it's always been there but I never look at it whilst shooting (other than to check my mount) but boy did I notice that it wasn't there when it fell off. Really strange, but although I don't actually look at the bead, when it wasn't there my sight picture was totally different. It looked as though the end of the rib was sloping away.  

funny isn't it, same thing has happened to me. Once you lose a bead OR have too high a comb the rib becomes very evident. A sort of runway effect.

funny isn't it, same thing has happened to me. Once you lose a bead OR have too high a comb the rib becomes very evident. A sort of runway effect.
Exactly! What's really odd is I don't look at it, but I obviously see it, does that make sense? 

makes perfect sense to me.

I have said many times, what we think we do and or see is not necessarily what we do.

I have also argued the fact (and shot down by most) that too high a comb brings the rib into more peripheral view not less.

runway effect ?

Hi Mark and welcome to the forum and the sport. You are doing exactly what I've been trying to get a mate of mine to do for weeks now. He's also very new to the sport and just won't stop checking between the clay and the gun, it's very frustrating to watch.

So, yes! You are doing the right thing. The fact is, you KNOW where the end of the gun is without looking.

My end bead came off my gun a while ago, it's always been there but I never look at it whilst shooting (other than to check my mount) but boy did I notice that it wasn't there when it fell off. Really strange, but although I don't actually look at the bead, when it wasn't there my sight picture was totally different. It looked as though the end of the rib was sloping away.  
Shot at bisley in Scotland last weekend when I went to visit the in law,had a couple hours free so paid the ground a visit it.I did not take the 525 with me when visiting,so they lent a beretta with no bead on,still hit 70 percent with a gun I never shot before with no bead.

Thanks again all, it seems I am going in the right direction then!!

One other thing I didn't ask, I at the moment simply cannot see if I shot above, below right or left, I just cannot see the shot, is this a problem or will it come in time? I just find it really hard to see and when my instructor says where were you my answer is "i don't know"!?! 

Any ideas on this? 

Thanks again


don't worry about it. Just enjoy shooting, it will all come in time. Sometimes even experienced shots don't know were or how they missed

Thanks again all, it seems I am going in the right direction then!!

One other thing I didn't ask, I at the moment simply cannot see if I shot above, below right or left, I just cannot see the shot, is this a problem or will it come in time? I just find it really hard to see and when my instructor says where were you my answer is "i don't know"!?! 

Any ideas on this? 

Thanks again

If by "..........I just cannot see the shot..." you mean that you can't see the shot "pellets" flying through the air, then worry not as you never will see your own shot in that way. 

Sorry if I've misunderstood you! 


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