Comments on shotkam please

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Well-known member
May 25, 2024
I’ve read the threads on here about shotkam, but there is a new model out.

A few of us go shooting and I would describe us as mostly serious beginners. We do practice, we take it seriously, but also have fun and enjoy it. We want to get better but accept we will never be world champions (😂).

We’ve considered getting a shotkam, not only because we think it sounds interesting/helpful but also because we are all into technology and gadgets!

I know there won’t be a general concensus about whether or not they are useful, but a few comments from people on here who’ve used one would be helpful. Also, is it worth getting gen4 over gen3, and if so, has anyone tried the new gen4 lite.

Thanks in advance for any help or advice offered.
I would invest that money in lessons. There is always a reason why you miss somewhere. Feet, hold point, speed, cheek weld etc. The shotcam just shows you a hit or where you missed. A good teacher will be able to tell you why you miss and how to correct that.