8 / 9 Feb - where are you getting wet this weekend?

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2012
Isle of Wight
Well forecast is for another wet and wild weekend with wellies and waterproofs pretty much the clothing of choice for all discerning shooters!

Was hoping to get to OLSS this afternoon but work and weather might intervene however tomorrow looking like Gunsite and Westfield, torrential tsunamis permitting...if it is really bad might only do one...

Got money to pick up at Gunsite from last month so that will be nice....

What's everyone else up to?

Jkc xxx

In the recent topics box this morning was "where are getting wet this weekend " followed by " lubricant tests" l thought I had got the wrong site

Going to our club dinner....nice and warm and out of the rain...... :nyam:

Willow Farm this morning. 45 from 70, which I'm pleased with as it was very much affected by the wind.

Hmmm.. Weather could put me off tomorrow. Especially as it may work out better to try RBSS Handicap Classic which starts Monday! And Monday seems dry with modest wind..

Owls Lodge for me as reported on in something new. For the double rise it was wind rain and hail, so a crap 25 ex 60 but the UT was undercover and had stopped raining so a much bettger 41 ex 50. Quite a few from here were getting wet today there.

Had a trip down to a windy but surprisingly dry (for me) OLSS to try my hand at the double rise and universal trench comps.

Started on the UT with not much idea of what's what, had a 17 and 16 ended on 33 ex 50

Then on to the DR for a go in the gales blowing down the end, a little disappointed with 29 ex 60 it was hard enought trying to stand up in the wind let alone shoot where I was looking.

Finished off the day with a couple of goes on the compak with a 24 ex 30 followed with 23.

A good day and I managed to dodge any serious rain.

I did enjoy trying UT and DR but (might be better of a warm summers day) I think I will be staying with sporting as I really enjoy the variety of the targets.

Lovely and dry at Kingsley Moor today. Shot a 74; not disastrous but a learning experience nonetheless.

Back now from club presentation dinner, first one I've attended and it was great! Lots of good company with like minded souls, bit of fluffy rabbits and, oh yes, came up trumps on the raffle !!!

Well organised Andy... :beerhat:

Back now from club presentation dinner, first one I've attended and it was great! Lots of good company with like minded souls, bit of fluffy rabbits and, oh yes, came up trumps on the raffle !!!

Well organised Andy... :beerhat:
what did you get in the raffle?

Well that was a couple of scores for me to forget....

Gunsite first, freezing, wet and windy (Will your favourite conditions) shot round quite quickly as there weren't many people there, ended up on 60 which was rubbish but quite miraculous considering I got about the wettest I had ever been.... As we left the sun came out so I guess there were some good scores put in from later entrants but really Fauldsy's 96 was amazing during the worst bit of the day...although I think he was pipped at the post. Well shot Aspire too with a great 90, and Ollie G (another pupil from Chris's stable) who has obviously been having more lessons than me and shot at PB of 84 proving you can put the scores in.

Then onto Westfield, by heck it was warm in the car!! Determined to do better here and at least it wasn't raining but it was freezing and very windy! Scores in general were very low here, disappointed with my 58 but dropped 21 out of 24 on three really bad stands for me that I just couldn't work out so was always going to be hard to put in a decent number. Do you know what though I still really enjoyed it, the stands I could do I did really well on. Think I came 7th in Class so not all that bad. Big news of the day was Sian getting her 50....Steve / Ally....I think you should award her a special prize...Well done Sian that was an awful day weather wise so I am sure you will be putting in more big scores soon!

Then back to a roaring fire and to plan assault on all the major championships this year....oh and thanks to all the people who make these shoots happen for us, your dedication to the sport is appreciated, from course setters to refs to trap fillers, you must have all been bloody cold yesterday!

So all in all a great day, and so much better than the alternative which was to stay at home and not shoot!!!

Jkc xx

Some tricky clays at Westfield yesterday Jennifer so don't be too disheartened , remember its a journey you can't do it all at once .

Simo pair on stand 4 , big battle in grouse butt , overhead on stand 8 , long teal on 12 , stand 13 need nots of lead and dramatic feet movement or you ran off line big time , good crosser on stand 15 all these needed a lot of thought and respect by all calibres of shooters

Some tricky clays at Westfield yesterday Jennifer so don't be too disheartened , remember its a journey you can't do it all at once .

Simo pair on stand 4 , big battle in grouse butt , overhead on stand 8 , long teal on 12 , stand 13 need nots of lead and dramatic feet movement or you ran off line big time , good crosser on stand 15 all these needed a lot of thought and respect by all calibres of shooters
Not disheartened at all, I bloody loved it....not worth doing if it is easy....

SIM pair...nightmare

Grouse butt...easy peasy 7/8


Stand 12 did ok

Stand 13...nightmare

Stand 15...nightmare

Hey but I did great on all the rest....even got 10/10 on the simo pairby the tree...!!

It was good...bet it's muddy today though...was a struggle to find a bit of grass to put your stuff down on!


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