Abt second barrel kills

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2015
i shot the Essex all round challenge on sat, shot a respectable 80. That included a 20/25 abt, all my kills were first barrel. I could find the ones I missed first barrel with the second at all. 

Advise needed?

my thought is that they are rising when you take the first shot so I pulled through them fairly but by the time you take the second they are dropping so you need to get under them a bit. Is this right or am I completely mis reading this type of target?

impossible to say without seeing you shoot, there could be many reasons.

Pulling through a trap target, are you using a sporter?

You should be seeing the target at all times if your gun is correct for shooting trap, 1st shot should be taken at 30 35 yards from you, second by 45 yards, anything after that and you start losing pattern and accuracy.

Shooters from one shot one target disciplines tend to take their head off the stock to see what happened. Follow the largest piece from your kills and shoot that, sometimes it'll be whole. As Mutley says all ABT targets are shot rising so you should see some rib and use at least half choke.

I am by no means a trap shooter. This just seemed the better part of the forum to post an abt question.

I shoot sporting and sport trap most, but I do like to shoot the all rounder when it's on. That's 25 sporting, 25 skeet, 25 single barrel and 25 abt. 

Sporting is always a challenge. Skeet and s/b are what they are, a test of concentration more than they are of skill. Abt is definitely not an easy discipline and I do struggle to get any consistency with it. 

Yes I am using a sporter which shoots flat which is why I have to pull through the target. 

If the second shot is still shot as a rising target then I will have to make sure I get through that to. Is not an easy shot as I lose sight of the target after the first shot so probably do lift my head to find it again. Any suggestions to cure that other than buy a trap gun which is not something I will do given the amount of trap shooting I do. 

you could try using a comb raiser, they don't cost much. You cannot afford to lose sight of the target, so if the gun blocks your view you can be in trouble! You could get an adjustable comb job done on your stock too.

I think if your used to a flat gun (as I am) then altering it will put you in a whole heep of doo dah's

reading your post again if your aware of the target falling then you shot it slow like a sporting shooter, if your lifting your head you are Imo showing lack of commitment to the shot.

so .... shoot the target as soon as you see it as a whole, trust yourself and commit to the shot, stay on the gun and keep the swing moving for half a second or so after the target is broken if it is not broken your still set for another shot...... Simples.

I really don't want to go down the route of altering the gun for the 200 or so trap target I might shoot in a year. Although if I started shooting a lot of it then it would def be a thing to look at. 

I wasn't really aware that I did lift my head but reading what has been posted it could be a contributing factor. I am definitely aware that I tend to rush the second shot and in doing so sometimes stab at it which annoys me no end. Maybe taking more time with it is the answer ips and I should be treating it as almost a different target. 


both shots should be instinctive. Do not worry about flat shooting gun if that's what your used too. Trap Imo is 50% seeing the target correctly and 50% consistent mount / pre shot routine everything else should be instinct. To avoid stabbing as you call it try to mentally and physically relax before and during the mount this helps with a smooth swing and Imo helps with clearing the mind or to put it another way don't try to hard. One more thing do not fall into the trap of shooting not to miss rather than trusting your ability to hit it this will cause you to hang on the shot which goes back to my original point of not committing to the shot. Ever watched a top shooter and thought this guy is not going to miss ? That is exactly what he is thinking.

Thanks for the advise guys. Hopefully I'll be able to consistently keep my scores in the 80%+ area. 

Thanks for the advise guys. Hopefully I'll be able to consistently keep my scores in the 80%+ area. 
Well if you do that you will be shooting well for someone that only shoots two hundred targets a year some shoot this all year round and cannot make 85% regularly.

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Yeah but I only shoot 25 abt at a time as part of the allround comp. i dare say replicating that over 100 abt targets would be a lot harder. 

But who knows. Maybe I was born to be a trap shooter, but I very much doubt it. 

True but I don't think that hitting these targets is a matter of luck but you are right 5ex5 is 100% and 85ex100 is .... 85% :)
