Age And Shooting New Member

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Active member
Feb 14, 2012
Florida USA
Hello I am a new member living in Florida, just started clays at age 70, any thoughts on how difficult this might be?.

Previously have not shot for 40 years then only for a short time.

Hi Peter - and welcome to ShootClay!

We have plenty of great coaches and some serious shooters on ShootClay - I'm certain that one will advise you perfectly. In my experience, I've seen plenty of seniors shooting to a very high standard - I see no reason why age can have any impact on you learning to shoot. As I say, we have some real experts here who will certainly advise.

Hello Peter, lovely to have you on board all the way from the other side of the pond as it were.

As a Coach I have several shall we say "more mature" shooters coming to see me regularly and are enjoying it immensely.

The main problems they have is focussing on certain types of clay targets and restriction of movement or being quite stiff.

Clay shooting though can in fact loosen you up a little as well. I get my "more mature" pupils to do a few minor stretching exercises before shooting at all and then a few more before certain targets so they can swing better etc. Just about all of them say they are a little looser than when they first started shooting.

Also a real problem can be recoil if using a heavy load. But these days there are many recoil reduction devices you can have put on your gun as well as lighter loaded cartridges with far less recoil but still kill a target very well at 60yds.

But there are plenty of targets out there that the "more mature" shooter can hit and hit very well indeed.

You don't have to hit every target to enjoy yourself, in fact that gets boring after a while believe me... :D ;)

Don't buy a gun that's too heavy for you. If your still very fit and healthy then a gun around 8 pounds or a little less will do a good comfortable job. Anything lighter than about 7 pounds will have a few problems with recoil unless your a big guy, but even then it depends on your physical condition.

Practice your gun mount at home several times a week for 10-15 minutes in order to build muscle memory and the muscles themselves.

One of the best things about the sport is the new friends you make while Clay Shooting, many staying good friends for ever.

So get out there with a good attitude and shoot some clays, enjoy yourself and make new friends.

Good luck. ;)

Hi Peter,

Well I'm not far behind you.

I shoot an 8lb O/U with no recoil devices and the same 1oz shells as everyone else. I'm at least 10 years older than the crew I generally shoot with, yet I can - and frequently do - see and hit targets earlier than any of them. I get just as much out of shooting as I ever did and neither I nor anyone I shoot with makes or expects any allowances for my "maturity".

Take my word on this: No-one patronises me! ;)

Thank you, all those responding, made me feel completely at home. I live in the Tampa bay area though was originally from W. Sussex nr Worthing.

I have been shooting at both sporting clays and five stand and currently hitting about 45% on a good day,

I have a 20g o/u, which with target loads recoil does not seem a problem. I have on order a 12g semi with 30 inch barrel to try.

Crossers and rabbits are my biggest problem at the moment.

visited Tampa once as a kid on a family holiday. I remember Clearwater Beach to the south, I think. Lovely! The sea was so clear you could see the fish move out of the way as you paddled

Hi Peter, Welcome to Shootclay and to clay shooting.

I,too,am a member of the old farts club at 74 and enjoy my shooting immensely and can still put one over on the younger element.

Those cocky young 60 year olds!!

I shoot an 8lb 12g gun and 1oz (28grm) shells and have no problems with recoil.

Again welcome and enjoy.


Thanks Rob for your PM, I tried to reply but apparently am not allowed to. something about a minimum bar.

Perhaps someone can explain that.

You need a minimum 100 posts Peter.

You could pop your email up on here and edit it out later. Maybe one idea

Hi Peter. Welcome to shooting . 70 sounds an ideal age to take up shooting. Get a 12G and stick to 24/21gm loads and you will do well enough!

Thanks for the welcome, over here in the US it is all oz's. Looks like 7/8 oz is 24 gram.

most 12 g target shells are 1oz, I can get and use 7/8 for my 20.
