And what did Santa bring you for Krimble?

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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2011
Sleaford Lincolnshire
I was very fortunate with my haul.

On a pre Krimble test run Santa gave a bout of real flu, probably calmed down by the flu jab but it has stayed with me until now as an intermittent cold. Trust me, you don't want it.

To help things go smoothly I knackered a knee,an old injury back to haunt me.

Santa arrived on time and him and his bloody reindeer consumed all the booze and mince pies and carrots we left out.

Then the reindeer shat on the roof and blocked the gutters and as they flew off they must have farted and blown down a tree in the garden.

On Boxing Day we went to our son's to consume their food and drink and open more pressies and lo and behold we got a Kindle Fire HD from Santa so not all bad after all.

Not true,the next day some bastard dented one of our car doors in a car park and didn't leave any contact details. Estimate to repair,£500.

I hope their rabbits die and they can't sell the hutch !!

Never you mind, here's wishing you all a Healthy and Successful New Year.


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Let me assure you I and the boys took all reasonable precautions when doing our rounds.

What didnt help was, the 13 crates of Stella, with the hand scrawled note "Finish em off"    -- ever heard of "Red rag to a bull",   

9 testosterone filled bucks, what do you honestly expect?   driving Miss Daisy?

As for the mince pies, dont even go there!!!   i did leave a very clear  how to / help and advice  for all to read , but clearly  old habits are hard to break ;)

As for the tree, it was old and on its last legs , anyway it gives you some logs for the fire :)    - See,  double gifts :)

Kindle fire,  no probs,   i hope you enjoy it for years to come  ,

As for the car door,   there was a doggy geezer in a milk float about when we were delivering,  you may want to talk to him ,

Look forward to seeing you next year

:santa: xx 

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Santa, why do you persevere with this charade??  We all know the reindeer are female!  All the pictures and cards show them with antlers - male reindeer shed their antlers in winter, females do not, ergo, yours are female.

I mean, there are stories, and then there are "stories"!

Let's face it teepee how they gonna fly without antlers and fairy dust?

I'm saving the logs from the tree for next Krimble.

If the hermaphrodite reindeer crap on my roof again and we'll be having reindeer steak for Krimble lunch cooked on the log fire.

You don't want to know where I'll be putting the antlers!


Santa, why do you persevere with this charade??  We all know the reindeer are female!  All the pictures and cards show them with antlers - male reindeer shed their antlers in winter, females do not, ergo, yours are female.

I mean, there are stories, and then there are "stories"!
And thats why your on the naughty list, and will remain there for a very, very,long  time


Mart :)


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