I have been hosting registered shoots now for 13 years averaging 3 to 4 a month so quite a lot and seen and met a few shooters along the way , now I've always heard the CPSA are pretty much useless !!! But when I ask the simple question what would you change ?? Or what else would you like see happen nearly everyone's answer is " well they are rubbish !!!
so here is my view on CPSA , the office staff are excellent at what they do , supporting members , grounds , big shoots and everyday run of the mill stuff .the board room is probably another story but as we discussed last night at a meeting no body knows what happens in there unless you are present then most of it is confidential but does it all affect everyday shooting , no I'm not sure it does , as registered shoots now are busier than I've ever known , championship entries are always a sell out , new initiatives for youngsters have been introduced , we as a game have had our profile lifted in the public domain , I do however think some of members monies are spent in the wrong direction at times and needs to be explained more to members why .i think there is too much importance put into the " Olympics " which really only affects a very tiny minority
is the board room a closed shop ?? Who would want to give their time and efforts for free to do the job ?? Not me for one !!
so let's carry on enjoying what we do most , week in week out , shooting clays , we have enough people and bodies against us already without fighting within .
so the horse as bolted let's lock the door !!!