Are Trap Shooters mis understood

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They usually have a wonkie eye a gammy leg and take their kit and preparation far to seriously, then they all stand around joking laughing and drinking tea. Their not odd they are schizoid.. Thats why I stopped that DTL malarkey..( only joking, honest ). :p

chicken curry no worry

Never considered myself anything other than odd but don't consider trap to be odd but if it is i don't really care :)

Better to be odd than a boring sheep going baaaaaaaaaaaa :wink:

Dedicated, professional maybe, certainly not odd. It's true to say that the hedgies think we're strange. They'll tell you the disciplines are boring or easy and that any fool can shoot a big score. They seldom ever do and usually walk away with a face like a smacked bottom.

Dedicated, professional maybe, certainly not odd. It's true to say that the hedgies think we're strange. They'll tell you the disciplines are boring or easy and that any fool can shoot a big score. They seldom ever do and usually walk away with a face like a smacked bottom.
Well said.

Beef madras sore ass

Well I'm odd...but not because I shoot trap.

Different strokes for differents folkes

Vindaloo...coming through!


I think we're all odd in our own ways...  

Chicken Jalfrezi.... Drives me crazy!

 I should of copy righted my signature :banghead:   loving it, keep it up.

Jock Stein know what i mean.

Well I don't think shooting trap is anything other than absorbing and moreish !

Oh that Fart was strange Hmm... Gandhi's revenge !

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Any time Ive been trap shooting in Reg comps, I usually have a bit of a chat with the others on the line before or after a round, and if there is a break after 50 targets, have a cup of tea with them. I havent been shooting long, and Im not from this country, and Im not exactly out-going, but Ive made friends trap shooting, plenty of people know my face and will salute or ask how the day is going.

I dont know where the myth of trap shooters never talking or having a laugh comes from. We are all shooters at the end of the day, and even more than that, we are all humans!
I have had the pleasure of young Bob1 shooting on our squad at ABT and UT and have to say that he is a very nice chap. We tried to teach him the ways of how "proper" trap shooters conduct themselves. It goes like this

1 - Book on but make it as complicated as possible for the lady or chap sorting the squad out, put Bob on 3 and Ian on 4 no hang on put Bob on 2 because frank will be coming no .... you get the idea.

2 - Order a brew and a pig sarnie then sit down and discus how bad the targets are everywere these days and that everything was much better in 1986. Oh and did you know that Mr "X" died last week etc etc.

4 - Be late for the first line, this is a must as the refs and ground owner now know that your squad is a top quality squad and will not take any hassle.

5 - Moan about the weather

6 - Moan about the targets

7 - Moan about how long its taking and the fact that it will be 5pm before you get home and you told thew Mrs you would be no later than 2pm absolutely no way.

8 - Leave having shot cack and vow never to shoot there ever again ...... until next time

None of this is true of course as it is merely fictituos ( I cant spell fictituos)

I have had the pleasure of young Bob1 shooting on our squad at ABT and UT and have to say that he is a very nice chap. We tried to teach him the ways of how "proper" trap shooters conduct themselves. It goes like this

1 - Book on but make it as complicated as possible for the lady or chap sorting the squad out, put Bob on 3 and Ian on 4 no hang on put Bob on 2 because frank will be coming no .... you get the idea.

2 - Order a brew and a pig sarnie then sit down and discus how bad the targets are everywere these days and that everything was much better in 1986. Oh and did you know that Mr "X" died last week etc etc.

4 - Be late for the first line, this is a must as the refs and ground owner now know that your squad is a top quality squad and will not take any hassle.

5 - Moan about the weather

6 - Moan about the targets

7 - Moan about how long its taking and the fact that it will be 5pm before you get home and you told thew Mrs you would be no later than 2pm absolutely no way.

8 - Leave having shot cack and vow never to shoot there ever again ...... until next time

None of this is true of course as it is merely fictituos ( I cant spell fictituos)
And that, my friend, is a list of why I don't shoot Trap.  :sarcastic:

1. Always shoot alone. Never rely on people turning up on time. Make an entry in a courteous manner.

2. I don't drink tea (or coffee), and think of your cholesterol with all that pigfat!!

3. What happened to 3???

4. Compulsive/obsessive. Cannot possibly be late!!

5. You get what you get with the weather. Dress for it! Yes! Including Wellingtons!

6. Be grateful for what you get. It's better than shopping!

7. Dodge from stand to stand to find less of a queue and shoot fast. Keep Wife happy.

8. Always shoot fantastically well. It is Sporting so more room for error.

And finally, you certainly can't spell fictitious ( and neither could I until I Goo.gled it!!)

P.S. BoB1 does seem like a nice guy (For a Trap Shooter)  :haha:

Tell her you will be no later than two hours after you think its going to be, that way you will be in the good books when you get home and tell her that you "rushed home to spend the remainder of sunday together because you love her very much indeed" .... works a treat matey :)

And that, my friend, is a list of why I don't shoot Trap.  :sarcastic:

What happened to 3???

And finally, you certainly can't spell fictitious ( and neither could I until I Goo.gled it!!)

P.S. BoB1 does seem like a nice guy (For a Trap Shooter)  :haha:
Well done my friend you noticed the deliberate mistake of missing out no 3 you win a cuddly toy :)

Fictitous ..... no still cant spell it

He actually is a thourougly (bollox I cant spell that either) chap :)

Well done my friend you noticed the deliberate mistake of missing out no 3 you win a cuddly toy :)

Fictitous ..... no still cant spell it

He actually is a thourougly (bollox I cant spell that either) chap :)
At last a prize!!! There is a Father Christmas!

Fictitous ..... no still cant spell it - YES YOU CAN!

He actually is a thourougly (bollox I cant spell that either) chap -  TRUE!  As Indeed are you Ips.  :biggrin:

Fictitous ..... no still cant spell it - YES YOU CAN!
Oh thought it was wrong again... whoohoo. I knew those two days at school in may 1976 would come in handy one day, the benefits of an English education system is proven.

All clay shooting is a little Naan sensical when you think about it. 

Opel this curry signatures would Korma down soon.

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