bbc 1

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2011
south bucks
are you watching bbc1 one show whats this got to do with sporting shooting

for those that missed the 5 minute piece. It was about a woman who tragically lost someone in a crime involving a shotgun.  Then her and the reporter paid a visit to a clay shooting ground. It might be on iplayer later?

Hopefully, mrs fuz only caught the last 15 secs and was raging when I got home!

Actually - it was better than I thought it would be... they contacted me about this piece a few weeks ago, I wondered if they would follow through.

Just seen it. It was at Orston shooting ground. The lady was saying that the granting of shotgun licences to youngsters should be be banned and that allowing them to shoot at clays glorified shooting!! A young shooter was interviewed and he outlined how from the outset he had been drilled on safety and all the disciplines of handling a shotgun and how he could only use the gun under his fathers supervision.Charlie the ground owner put over a reasoned argument, making the point that by far the majority of crimes using guns are commited with illegal firearms and not the legally owned ones used at his club.It appeared the lady's mind was already set and no amount of reason would pursede her otherwise.

Exactly - but unusually for the BBC, even the reporter put an opposing view to the lady... I was OK with the balance.

Poor woman, but if her relative had been stabbed, would she campaign for all houses to be knife free? Knife crime must dwarf gun crime..CSC3

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Yes Poor woman, but we live in a bad world with bad people and Guns are not to blame it is those people!Putting the death of her son aside I am already amazed at her ignorant and pathetic view.Ok she lost her son but to some crazy yobbo not a safe shooting environment where things are controlled.Very ignorant in my opinion.I can't see myself wanting to ban something because something very bad has happened. Even on this scale that is ridiculous! Her words after being asked what this form of shooting has to do with the tragic death of her son -'because this kind of thing hypes them up! They hear about this king of stuff and they see this kind of stuff and they learn from this kind of stuff!......It just shows these boys it's cool!'WTF!!! Sorry but no idea made me very angry listening to it! Thank god the BBC puts some fact and figures on it. Glen.

 I think the whole issue of gun ownership has gone beyond local arguments and incidents, there is a determined drive  on a national and international level to ban personal gun ownership. This has already started in the USA where some states are tabling motions to ban the personal ownership of firearms of any kind.The real issue is not about gun control, but ultimately population control, yes I know I am a mad conspiracy theorist with batty opinions but the banning of licenced guns is one of  the final steps to controlling the masses. It is yet another erosion of our personal liberties and an infringement of our human rights.The European Charter of human rights by the way is currently being sublty changed to accomodate a lot of rights which have the qualifiaction of  "but if" or "only If" or other such wording which allows each government to suspend those rights as and when they see fit.A prime example of this in action is our right to demonstrate in public, this has now been stripped down to, as, when  and where the government and the police say you can demonstrate and at what time. If you contravene any of the rules laid down you are arrested.The debate around gun ownership is a mere sideshow compared to the real aim of stripping each citizen of their basic rights. How ever it is one worth standing up  for.just my opinionDavid B. 

Despite telling the reporter that she had no preconceptions, she was (dramatically) visibly distressed upon hearing the first shot, as she got out of the car (whilst I have every sympathy at her tragic loss, it was worthy of an Oscar, but call me cynical!)It was a balanced piece, but was wasted on her (and her like), completely.

Yes maybe she will be in a film next time!The presenters were also a joke! When they went back to the studio the guest singer asked the male presenter a question about the nation rifle association etc and he had no idea! Was classic!!!/wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-laugh.gif/wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-laugh.gif/wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-laugh.gif/wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-laugh.gif/wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-laugh.gif/wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-laugh.gif

Those two in the studio are idiots... that was plain to see.

perhaps the question we ought to be asking ourselves is not how the woman or for that matter any member of the public reacts to such incidents but how we ourselves react Calling the woman concerned motives into question or the sincerity of her grief  or her reaction to the gunshots is not exactly what we should be doing.As for badmouthing the studio presenters that just gets an increase in  further media anti shooting stories  A programme of empathetic education by the shooting community is what is required not a knee jerk reaction to a tragic event no matter how badly or poorly it was reported.I can quite clearly understand how the woman is anti anything to do with shooting she has jsut lost her son for gods sake !!If the public or the press read the reactions posted on here thye would have a field day!!

David B,    I think you need to stop and think before you comment.Not many of the posts on here are inflammatory. Just people feeling very strongly about their sport.I have written to the BBC today and emailed the Oneshow earlier, with the following FACTS.My Uncle , Aunty and cousin were shot dead by a deranged neighbour in 1987, the gunman also shot and killed another neighbour and a petrol pump attendant in Atherstone when he stopped for petrol whilst fleeing justice. He was subsequently sentenced and was out again in about seven years, where in there wisdom the authorities put him in a rehabilitation hostel a mile from my house. I protested and he was moved to Wales and given a new identity where I understand he married and had a family.I have been a gunsmith until retirement and have always taught gun safety for the CPSA & BASC . I do not think that guns are dangerous, it is un-educated and unsafe users who are dangerous. I would welcome the opportunity to debate gun safety with anyone and as for Matt Baker's ability as a countrywide presenter? Well that was thrown into doubt by his inability to answer a simple question directly.Rather than write in here make your views known by going to The Oneshows Facebook page, click on Like and then let them hear your views. I have. 

I make a habit of thinking before I comment it has served me very well over the years. Your unfortunate experiences in the past  do not  invalidate the comments I made regarding the present.I simply replied to views expressed on here which I thought to be a knee jerk reaction to an issue which whether or no the reporting or the presentation was good or bad should perhaps best be kept as thoughts rather than expressed outright i.e.      it was worthy of an oscar  maybe she will   be in a  film next time   before we embark upon self righteous indignation regarding the way our sport is portrayed or villified we should consider the effect such a stance has upon the very people we are trying to convertI have made my views known on many occasions regarding our sport I am no less passionate than the next shooter but I do not think being as reactionary as the people, public or media who try to denigrate our sport  is the way forward .

David,Thank you for your comments.I do think that before we all rush off shouting with indignation we should assess what we are getting into.My sister -in -law cannot stand guns in any shape, form or see any reason for them, and I respect her views and she respects my stance.The Oneshow article actually was not too bad, I cannot quite understand what they were trying to achieve.I do believe that the lady had a hidden agenda and was not prepared to listen to a reasonable debate, she is so set in her ways and just wants guns banned. Period.Charlie at Orston did a very good job and it so easily could have blown up in his face with a little biased reporting, thankfully it was fairly even handed.  I wonder if the BBC would like to interview me and see how traumatised I have become (not).As probably all of us on this site know, in the eyes of the general public guns are a very emotive subject.The only way we can win over public opinion is by being responsible, safe, and advertising at every opportunity how enjoyable clay shooting is.Education in the safe use of firearms is the way forward./wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-smile.gif/wp-content/forum-smileys/sf-smile.gif

I am afraid in my opinion David people like her are a waste of time trying to convert. Many more of the anti brigade have this view and have no open mind on the issue so for me -waste of energy. As long as the shooting community who participate in legal practise of the sport conduct themselves within the law then there should be no questions. Did you watch her performance? It was basically exagerated for the camera to get response and viewing.When you listened to her talk she couldn't even give valid reasons anyway. The shooter and the ground owner gave valid factual points and so did the BBC all you saw of her was the down right ignorance she has for law abiding gun owners. The person who murdered her son is who she should be against and gang crime and importation of illegal guns and not some Clay Sporting Shooter who is legally carrying out their past time. Glen.


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