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If he punched the producer - he should be immediately fired, simple - it's gross misconduct and/or common assault - and not acceptable in any workplace.  

I'm guessing the BBC will find some way of weasel wording their way out of it, in order to save losing him to Sky - who apparently have an offer on the table. 

Sidenote - he's an SGC holder as well - so clearly it doesn't stop everyone being a violent oaf.

I've not formed an opinion on this but newspapers were suggesting that a senior BBC executive was saying that Clarkson has a problem and needs to seek help and is allegedly behaving in a similar way to Jimmy Saville but only in so far as people are frightened to speak out against him and his bad behaviour. He has lots of public support like the Prime Minister who frankly should not have entered the fray so early before all the facts are out!  Clarkson supposedly reported himself to his bosses.  Let's face it he's earned enough not to need to work any more so has he got too much of a couldn't care less attitude?  I'm all for challenging creeping bureaucracy, OTT health and safety, tree huggers etc but if he has assaulted a producer then that is grounds for a gross misconduct dismissal and if he's not an employee then his contract is about to expire anyway so does not have to be renewed.  Not a good example for the PM's kids if he is found guilty of assault!  I like him, his show, and irreverent attitude but I draw the line at assault!  Top Gear existed before him and he can be replaced but ratings will take a dive for a while and the BBC will lose a lot of money as a result.  The jobbing producer will have a lot to answer for if in fact it turns out that he did provoke this episode in some way or other.  He isn't set up for life so he may be regretting his actions if he is in any way at fault.


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