Beretta 692

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Cheers. I just literally popped into a shop and checked it myself. Guess the confusion is becausr it says Beretta USA Corp on the right hand side where the 682 says Made In Italy.

Any idea whst VT means as there was discussion whether they were made in the same place as the DT10/11 and SO's?

Made in Italy and they will have been made in the "standard" workshop.

ASE were made in the SO workshop. DT10 were allegedly "assembled" in the SO ws DT10eell were "made" in the SO ws  not sure about the DT11 but doubt they are SO ws.

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Isnt it strange that they have kept the 682 now that the 692 is out, and yet they dropped the 10 when the 11 came out ?

I wonder why ?

Cheers P1Fanatic, i must admit i am very pleased with it indeed, havent played with the bfast system yet as the gun seems to be bang tidy for balance as it is! have moved the trigger forward one notch though. I shall be taking it for a spin at challock on sunday, which is fibre wad only so i shall see whether the back boring on the barrels leads to any noticable problems, as i have read somewhere. Also hoping the boy doesnt beat me on too many stands as its starting to get expensive at £5 a pop!

I am going to churchills with my dad on wednesday so i hope i can do a good comparison between his DT11 and my 692, allowing for pilot error of course!! Hope everyone has a good weekends shooting in the sun!!

I think the VT is just a short hand version of where the barrels are made Gardone Val Tromopia :fie:

I am going to churchills with my dad on wednesday so i hope i can do a good comparison between his DT11 and my 692, allowing for pilot error of course!! Hope everyone has a good weekends shooting in the sun!!
I take it that you are doing the services day at EJC?

NB the Weds / Thurs evening shoots are NOT on next week.

Isnt it strange that they have kept the 682 now that the 692 is out, and yet they dropped the 10 when the 11 came out ?
I wonder why ?
They dropped the 10 as soon as the 11 launched? I assumed the gold e was still avail because only the sporter 692 is avail so far. 1 thing being on their website another trying to order one I guess.
They dropped the 10 as soon as the 11 launched? I assumed the gold e was still avail because only the sporter 692 is avail so far. 1 thing being on their website another trying to order one I guess.
all models of gold e and 692 showing on beretta web. Just seems weird to have kept the two when they ditched the 10 straight away. Maybe they have realised it wasnt a good idea as many of us said at the time. 692 does look similar to the 11 but less rugged and sleaker IMO

From what iggy said you dont get any additional weights included to adjust the balance.
Yeah i saw that in iggys post as well, and like him there were no extra weights in the case, i guess they factory balance it to the hinge pin and then if you want to play you can purchase extra weights. The weight is stated as  3.7kg +/- 100g in the advertising bumpf which i think is the maximum you can put in / take out using the bfast. Anyway i think it is a vast improvment over my trusty silver pigeon v

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You household cav by any chance ?
Nope sorry ips, both my dad and i used to shoot  down at the lodge hill camp near chattenden with the engineers, unfortunately they have sold the land now to build houses (suprise suprise) but we still get invited along to most of the services shoots by the army. I for my sins did 12 years in the RAF before leaving to chase the civvy dream!!

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It was your profile name that got me thinking.

I wasnt but my dad was raf, i was born on camp at church fenton. Daughter recently left light cav based in Windsor her then partner was an nco riding instructor in household cav nightsbridge.

Sorry rambling now :)

Well I managed to get out with my new toy for the first time last weekend and thought better I'd update things.

Being a new gun I didn't want to go straight into a registered shoot so instead went over to my local ground at Doveridge and put a 100 or so rounds through it at a variety of targets from skeet through to sporting and the comments below are based on the 692 compared to my previous gun (SV10 Prevail also in 32")

The first thing I noticed was how the recoil felt different. I don't know if its attributable to the 'magical' longer forcing cones or what but apart from feeling soft, all the recoil seemed to move backwards in a soft shove as opposed to backwards and upwards.

The gun also felt very smooth to swing. It seems to balance differently to the Prevail which by comparison felt a bit nose heavy whereas the 692 balances very evenly between the hands. It also feels more robust somehow although its difficult to articulate in what way.

Being a new gun its quite stiff to open, but it seems evenly stiff throughout opening and closing unlike the Prevail which was equally stiff to open/close but that was also 'stiffer' for the last bit before closing - if that makes sense?

I was expecting the gun to feel very similar to the Prevail, just a bit chunkier and although it does do both these things it also feels sufficiently different to know you're shooting a different gun, so I suspect its gong to take a bit longer to acclimatise to it than I'd initially thought.

Lastly, it has cleaned up very nicely. I was half expecting real problems removing the plastic fouling from the bores given that the forcing cones are so long but I spent no more time on them than I used to spend on the Prevail and they have come up like mirrors in true Beretta style.

My only thoughts at this stage are wether or not the gun is a touch high in the comb for me, so before I next take it out I might swap the recoil pad over with the slightly longer one that came with the gun which should drop my sight picture a touch.

Overall I'm very happy I've made the swap, don't get me wrong I was delighted with the Prevail but I don't regret having made the swap and I feel this is more of a long term gun for me.

Hopefully get over to Oakedge on Sunday for a registered.


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Nice report thanks for taking the time. Would love to try the trap version.

Well my dealer (Premium Beretta Dealer) tells me there is a shipment due in June 25th which is the first batch of L/H 692’s including my adjustable stock version. So I am hoping my dealer is getting fed more accurate info than GMK give to joe public. I have no doubt the dealer is in close contact with GMK as even when I first enquired in the shop they were straight on the phone to their GMK contact to find out if there was availability and when it was likely to arrive.

Fingers crossed its June as I really can’t wait to get my hands on it and finally get a proper left handed shotgun.

Looking forward to a full review when you get it :)

Well my dealer (Premium Beretta Dealer) tells me there is a shipment due in June 25th which is the first batch of L/H 692’s including my adjustable stock version. So I am hoping my dealer is getting fed more accurate info than GMK give to joe public. I have no doubt the dealer is in close contact with GMK as even when I first enquired in the shop they were straight on the phone to their GMK contact to find out if there was availability and when it was likely to arrive.
Fingers crossed its June as I really can’t wait to get my hands on it and finally get a proper left handed shotgun.
Sounds like promising news P1, well done.

Please keep us posted.


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