Beretta 694 vs ceasar guerini summit or even invictus?

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I would be amazed if yours truly weight that, I’ve handled dozens and owned one and being interested in the subject I have often cheekily asked near total strangers whether they’d mind taking the fore end off their DT10 or 11 to see what weight was stamped on them, I’ve not come across any below 1500, in fact I don’t think I’ve seen any significantly below 1600, (the updated DT11 with carbon rib excepted).

These apply to 32” tubes only as I’ve little inclination towards shorter barrels. It would be interesting for both of us if you try and find out what your friends or strangers DT10 tubes are stamped as.

The main point though is that barrels just over 1400g have proved time and again that people find them easy to shoot compared to say the old spec K80 which lots of people don’t like and can’t shoot well (but don’t quite know why) - I think I know why though ;)  .
Sorry for the delay on getting back to you. I weighed the 30" DT10 barrels on the kitchen scales. Stamped 1480g, no chokes 1424g, flush chokes 1460g so I would guess with the original extended chokes they would be right at 1480 as stamped. I think you are getting confused between the light barrels of the DT10 and the originally much heavier DT11 barrels.

Sorry for the delay on getting back to you. I weighed the 30" DT10 barrels on the kitchen scales. Stamped 1480g, no chokes 1424g, flush chokes 1460g so I would guess with the original extended chokes they would be right at 1480 as stamped. I think you are getting confused between the light barrels of the DT10 and the originally much heavier DT11 barrels.
When I’m back out shooting (which may be a few weeks) I will try and photograph as many 32” DT10 barrels as I come across and post them here, I maintain they tend to be over 1500 and I’ve seen many over 1600.

You mention the K80 barrel weight. With you on the Supersport. Parcours are much lighter - 30" barrels are only 1315g. 1415g for the 32". Some people think they are too quick as a result (not me).

You mention the K80 barrel weight. With you on the Supersport. Parcours are much lighter - 30" barrels are only 1315g. 1415g for the 32". Some people think they are too quick as a result (not me).
I find the 32” Parcours barrels too light at 1400g even though I like light barrels.

Well I just traded my mk38gd 5 for a new 694.ive shot it a d I've shot other peoples 694 before it.i frankly love it. Balance, fit and handling are all superb. Better than the mk38, that's for me! I loved the touch and feel of the mk38 but to shoot with it wasn't as good for me. That's not necessarily for everyone. 

Well I just traded my mk38gd 5 for a new 694.ive shot it a d I've shot other peoples 694 before it.i frankly love it. Balance, fit and handling are all superb. Better than the mk38, that's for me! I loved the touch and feel of the mk38 but to shoot with it wasn't as good for me. That's not necessarily for everyone. 
Same here. Three weeks ago I traded my MK38 for a pre-loved 694, both in 32'' barrels. 

The Beretta lacks all those things I didn't like in the miroku:  grip, chunky forend,  trigger, mid bead, recoil and it weighs more what I prefer (8lb 10oz). 

My scores went down a bit but I've been rubbish lately anyway :)  occupying bottom of B class. I guess as it has heavier barrels and slightly different sight picture I'm still learning how to shoot it and see correct lead. 

For record, the barrels on the beretta are stamped 1.59 kg and with chokes in they weigh exactly that on my kitchen scales. The miroku barrels with fixed 5/8 chokes weighed 1.50 kg. 

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The Beretta lacks a trigger ? Even by Italian standards thats an oversight in QC. 🤣

Sounds like you came across a good deal, finding a 694 that someone already handed back in. They've been out since all of ten months, four of which there's been no shooting? That's a pretty safe bet. 

I still like my 692, but would sure like to give a 694 a try if someone was fondling one next to me. 

The Beretta lacks a trigger ? Even by Italian standards thats an oversight in QC. 🤣
Hahaha feels so light and crisp like it's not there 😁

Seriously though, the trigger feels better on the Beretta, to me at least. 👍

Sounds like you came across a good deal, finding a 694 that someone already handed back in. They've been out since all of ten months, four of which there's been no shooting? That's a pretty safe bet. 

I still like my 692, but would sure like to give a 694 a try if someone was fondling one next to me. 
So far so good, it's still honeymoon period for me; time will tell whether it was a good decision to change. 

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Sounds like you came across a good deal, finding a 694 that someone already handed back in. They've been out since all of ten months, four of which there's been no shooting? That's a pretty safe bet. 
Plenty to choose from on Guntrader

Well at least 7

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Oooh, careful fella, I said something a tenth as incendiary as that just in passing the other week and someone misunderstood where I was going with it and chucked their toys RIGHT out the pram for suggesting that they shouldn't be allowed to buy whatever they wanted to buy! Thin ice, my friend, thin ice! :fie:
big issue with CGs is that the resale and trade in value is about 25% less than a Beretta, Gunsmiths hate them, and dealers dont want them, ive owned 3 and agree with the statement about quality, they are lovley, but why do the lose so much money!


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