Blaser F3 - Competition vs Professional?

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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2021
What's the difference between the F3 Competition and Professional?
Looking at Guntrader they appears to be 2 options and wondered what the difference is.
I bought a new F3 Professional last month, traded in a DT10 for it. I shoot it very well and I used to have a Mk1 Blaser.

The new one is totally different regarding the grip and is a bit heavier too. The recoil level for me is low compared to any other O/U that I have shot, I find them to be an excellent competition gun.
I would suggest a call to Mulliners. There have been quite a few changes to F3s over the years including the angle of the bite. I shoot one but don't even know what I've got !!!. Mulliners are the UK Specialist and I'm sure will give you 5 minutes on the phone given they do all of the major (approved) servicing.