Its unfortunate that an event enjoyed by the majority of the shooters has been rather tainted, so as one of the Referees there I will expand on a few things.
The Electronic System
This was new to us all, and although most of us were there the day before it was operating in practice mode where shooters swiped in using a card, so we had no direct experience of the line system until the first morning, and unfortunately it showed with the pressing of wrong buttons etc. However I did feel things were smoother after the first morning.
To record a loss the zero button is pressed accordingly and the speaker sounds. One of the problems was this was not always audible or distinct enough, and FITASC have asked the manufacturers to rectify this. This meant at times the Ref and/or the shooter was unsure if the loss had been recorded. the only way is to turn around to look at the monitor, (if you could see it) and by which time the next shooter has called for their target. The Ref Donna mentions was calling losses because there was no sound coming for Zeros.
There were glitches with scores higher or lower than the shooters expected, the only record was what was on the screen, so it was difficult to sort anything out on the spot especially as the shooters score disappears from the screen. There is a facility to download data from the computer to check the number of zeros registered against particular shooters numbers.
It was a baptism of fire for all the Refs, and no doubt a few mistakes were made on calls. Simultaneous doubles are particularly difficult in Compak to Ref as you cannot fire at the same bird twice, kill 2 targets with one shot, or indeed if you go for one target miss and happen to hit the other then it is pair lost.
As mentioned before there is a lot of flying objects around the ground (animal or otherwise) so quite a number of distractions were claimed. Unlike FITASC or English sporting the Ref is not always close to the shooter so does not see exactly what they see, so would have to be pretty certain to turn the request down.
I happened to be walking behind this layout at the time looking for a shooter for another layout. Whilst I was not particularly watching the shooting I glanced across to stand 5 to see k80ben kill an orange target just before a pigeon flew over his and subsequently my head, and verify his version of events after that.
On a more positive note there was a great set of targets set by Eric Mansoven, the weather was ideal for shooting and a good entry of Continental shooters. All the problems should be eliminated for the Worlds, pencilled in there for August.