Butchering and curing meat

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Aug 25, 2012
Newton Abbot
I have just spent the day at Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall's organic farm near Axminster in Devon.  I went with my son as the family had bought us both the day as birthday presents.  The course title was  something like "A pig in a day" and was all about how to butcher half a pig and then how best to make the most out of the carcass in terms of roasting, pate, brawn, chorizo and farmhouse sausages, air cured bacon and an air cured leg of ham like parma ham etc. that you can all make at home with ease.  The principles apply equally to lamb, venison and beef.

Great fun, with participation if you want, lots of great tasting nibbles and a 2 course lunch, course notes, recipes and membership of the website giving access to the course webinar for ever.  Good enough for Gordon Ramsay and Angela Hartnell to go and learn how to do it to make more profit for their restaurants so not to be sneezed at.  Reccommended!

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Sounds great! Most on here know I'm rather partial to a bit of pig :D Had he not updated the course material to include horse ;)

No but the advantages of doing DIY were certainly emphasised in the current climate of ensuring that you know what you are eating and from where it has come.  The English traceability system is first class in Europe from producer as far as the butcher from whom you buy your meat.

Nothing to stop anyone buying a carcass direct from a small family abattoir for those that provide that service rather than a butcher.

Half an organic pig of 85 kilos costs about £190

I paid £75 for a quarter of one a mate raises close to where we live.

good course if you can get butchery training I trained as butcher so know the value of dressing your own meat

I once asked someone in Tesco if they had any Butchers String...she just stared at me.

I wanted to butterfly a leg of lamb.  Somebody near me smokes meat or fish, smells awesome.  Quite fancy trying that.

Mr Skeetadmin has a smoker I believe :)
Correct, I have 2 :)

A small vertical bullet smoker and a bigger horizontal one :)

Smoking meat gets addictive, takes a while but well worth it :)   I started about 5 years ago :)

@Skeet UK, check out www.smokingmeatforums.com loads of info on there.  I will be adding some of my stuff to www.skeety.co.uk when I get round to setting it up :)


99% of my smoking is hot smoking.

I have tried doing some cold smoking in the past but don't really have the correct equipment.  Now I have access to welding gear again it might be time for some more modifications and making an external fire boxsmoke generator.



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