Cancer Charity supporters wanted to help with paid website research in Central London on 16th April

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New member
Apr 9, 2013
I work for a company called the Web Usability Partnership -  a research organization specializing in making web sites more effective (http// 
We have been commissioned by CancerResearch Uk to conduct research for the re-development of the CancerResearchUK website and are looking for people who get involved in cancer charity fundraising to help us test the website.  The research is quite simple; it will involve coming along to a venue in central London on 16th April and spending about an hour looking at the site and telling us what you think about it.  There will be no preparation in advance and no further commitment.  We will pay £40 plus travel expenses (max £10)and testers will be given a specific timeslot to attend. 

Anyone interested, please contact me (Avril Swift) [email protected]

Avril Swift (Recruitment Manager)
Tel: 01249 444 757 Web: 
Unit 15, Lansdowne Court, Bumpers Farm, Chippenham, Wilts SN14 6RZ
The Web Usability Partnership Ltd Registered in England no. 2790227
