Can't see the dam' things!

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2014
Hamworthy, Poole
Last Tuesday I went off with my chums for a wander round my local Clay Club. They insisted on going way down the path to a stand that is cold and windy and which has some very challenging targets. One clay in particular, an orange one, was projected at quite a lick from a raised (maybe 8 feet) trap parallel with the ground from left to right against a backdrop of fir trees, scrub, and the like.

I couldn't see it. I called for another and I couldn't see it. And another. The trap is maybe 30 yards away, in plain sight. So I can see where the thing is coming from, I know where it goes, I know how high. But I simply can't pick it up at all, much to my irritation and much to the mirthful (and cruel ) enjoyment of cronies and ground staff alike.

I do have challenges in the eyeball department. 63 years is one of them. Short sightedness another. I've also lost a segment of retina in each eye - maybe 20% - due, they reckon, to stroke damage. And I have the beginnings of cataracts in both eyes. My eyes were tested around four months ago, and new spectacles made. I don't like contacts. 

I have almost convinced myself that I manage to pick up all the other targets because I'm familiar with the ground, and this particular one is difficult for everyone else. But I'm annoyed with myself for not being able to see it at all. I work on the principle that if you can't see it you're never ever going to hit it.

Is there a set of eye exercises or something like that available online? Given my problems outlined above is there any useful assistance I can get?

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:fie:  Tell Graham Brown to put on targets that are not an eye sight test! :crazy:

He probably wouldn't want to deprive his son-in law of the enjoyment!

Fair play to Graham, nobody could ever accuse him of a layout that fails to include challenging stuff..

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