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Nicky T

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2012
Shooters undergo a variety of change whether it be self induced in regards to their equipment or "advised" to incorporate new techniques either in terms of their technical shooting or mental approach to shooting. Inevitably many will experience some form of settling in period to adapt to the change(s) in question, but long would you be willing to sacrifice a little loss in form to make a potentially huge long term gain?

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Depends on the change.

For me technical or method change, one month lets say 500 targets

Equipment hardware change....

Small item eyes or ears....200 targets.

Gun three months.......1000-1200 targets.  

Shooters undergo a variety of change whether it be self induced in regards to their equipment or "advised" to incorporate new techniques either in terms of their technical shooting or mental approach to shooting. Inevitably many will experience some form of settling in period to adapt to the change(s) in question, but long would you be willing to sacrifice a little loss in form to make a potentially huge long term gain?
not that I have any form as such but yes, if I did and change was needed for long term gain then I would.
Depends on the change.

For me technical or method change, one month lets say 500 targets

Equipment hardware change....

Small item eyes or ears....200 targets.

Gun three months.......1000-1200 targets.  
I think that the target time span is a very good point.

A wise ex-England shot once told me to expect getting used to a new gun to take up to 2 years (and he wasn't wrong).

New gun = 10k shell's

Mental or method changes = as long as it takes. If the changes were suggested by a suitably qualified person then keep going till you get it right , they know better than you or you wouldn't have asked their advice .

New gun = 10k shell's

Mental or method changes = as long as it takes. If the changes were suggested by a suitably qualified person then keep going till you get it right , they know better than you or you wouldn't have asked their advice .

Very difficult question not one i have ever considered. New gun at least 6 months if not used by then its gone. Only ever had one self induced technique change which was necessary due to sciatica and a fencing related neck injury that took 12 months at least but was required so didnt really consider it.

New gun, 1 month honeymoon period, 5 months going down hill, 6 months plus slowly coming back up hill again. When i got my browning shot my best ever scores 2 weeks running, then the wheels slowly fell off, year down the line, finally back on track again.

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Hi, everyone. This is my first post and I hope you don't mind me asking for some advice. I started shooting trap this past March. This was my first experience with anything other than plinking with my 22 Henry lever action rifle. I did pretty well right off the bat, and invested in my own shotgun in the middle of May. I ended up with a Browning BT-99 - the process itself was an ordeal and ended with a broken middle finger on my right hand and having to drive 8 hours to get my gun. Long story..... In any case, it has been hit and miss for me all summer and I am totally frustrated.

My high has been 22. I know I can do this. It is a very casual group so the only one I am competing with is me. I am a perfectionist and hate stinking at something. This is totally in my head. I know this because I have had really good rounds amongst the ones that stink.

My question is, how the heck do I get past myself? I have about 1,200 targets under my belt with my BT-99. I have made certain adjustments here and there that seem to have helped (like ditching my progressive lenses for an old pair of single vision glasses). If something works once, I start thinking too much about what I did so I can do it again.

Telling myself to just stop it doesn't work... So I'm curious what tricks I might use on myself so I don't completely over-analyze things. Can you sense my frustration, .?

Thanks for any help or encouragement.


Get some lessons Kathy. Then you get help on exactly what your problems are....and you will know what to work on. No one here can really help you until you are totally clear what the specifics of the problem are. You have not given any information for us to help you with. (Discipline, trouble targets etc)

Well I got a new gun and scores and consistency are still improving slightly. I have had it two and a half months now!

Have just last weekend changed my comb setup and altered my glasses set up too so will have to see what happens in the next few shoots. It seemed to be working well though, I just need to be able to put it all together at shoots on my own.

Can always change back if all fails!

I am at the moment learning a technique that i have never used before because i am no longer satisfied with 75/85% on a good day and as i think something is missing from my game i am fully prepared to drop to low scores for as long as it takes for the new skill to become as natural  as the method i have always used and also ill have to learn which method to use on which type of target.As i say i am not happy with the level i am at so a dip in scores will be no loss.
