ClayMate on Solo

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Active member
May 25, 2024
I occasionally shoot on my own, using the ClayMate system and the solo delay.

Is there a recommended way of doing this please. I’m shooting right handed. Assume I’ve identified the see point, kill point and hold point, do I set up on the hold point then:
• Hold the forend in my left hand and press the button with my RH.
• hold the gun in my RH, shouldered, muzzle up, press the button with my LH.
• press the button then hold the gun unmounted.
•balance the gun on the trap front then mount after pressing the button


I’m sure there’s a good way of doing it, and I don’t want to only shoot with someone as my gun buddy works full time and I don’t.
Good question.

I used one today and although I’m sure it gets easier and more natural with practice, I found the process quite incompatible with the concentration needed (or I need!)
I think you have more time than you think and are possibly over thinking this.
At Bisley pay and play at least, you have time to press the button with any portion of your anatomy (with the loaded gun over the bar) then put the gun up to the hold point (I shoot gun up) and wait for the clay to appear
I think you have more time than you think and are possibly over thinking this.
At Bisley pay and play at least, you have time to press the button with any portion of your anatomy (with the loaded gun over the bar) then put the gun up to the hold point (I shoot gun up) and wait for the clay to appear
I tend to overthink everything 😂

I’ll see what it’s like when I go again. I’ve only done it on one session and it did feel rather strange, so I wondered if there was ‘best practice’.
Put the button somewhere easy to get at. Decide your hold points, kill points etc and your feet position then press that button. You get plenty of time so long as you’ve made your plans. Enjoy
Hold the gun with the right hand, press the button with the left. If you hold the forend with your left and go to press the button you get more out of line than the other way.
You've got plenty of time. Relax.
Also, try Solo and Following pairs. Still plenty of time and you press the button once per pair instead of every shot.
I occasionally shoot on my own, using the ClayMate system and the solo delay.

Is there a recommended way of doing this please. I’m shooting right handed. Assume I’ve identified the see point, kill point and hold point, do I set up on the hold point then:
• Hold the forend in my left hand and press the button with my RH.
• hold the gun in my RH, shouldered, muzzle up, press the button with my LH.
• press the button then hold the gun unmounted.
•balance the gun on the trap front then mount after pressing the button


I’m sure there’s a good way of doing it, and I don’t want to only shoot with someone as my gun buddy works full time and I don’t.
Should be a solo delay button on the pad this gives you approxiamately 3 seconds before the clay is released usually enough time to get in position to make the shot .
I tend to overthink everything 😂

I’ll see what it’s like when I go again. I’ve only done it on one session and it did feel rather strange, so I wondered if there was ‘best practice’.
I don’t know if you follow this practice , but before I even take the gun out of the slip , I’ll button a single of all the targets I want to shoot on a practice stand . I’ll follow the clays with my forefinger on the extended left arm to get the line . Then I’ll adjust my stance to suit the flight of the targets and the points I’ll see the target insert the gun and then shoot . I’m amazed how many new shooter will go onto a stand blind and just start shooting .
I should have mentioned the 3 second delay, a lot can be done in 3 seconds.

I go in and shoot blind and get the hang of it as I go along, suppose you see 2 birds on each of 12 stands that's around a tenners worth that you have not even shot at and I'm blowed if I'm going to do that. Shooting blind is part of the fun. It's not a competition so you may as well have a bit of fun.