Well today was almost the fabled 300, managed a PB of 100/299! Although in real terms I was well away from the 300, having barrelled my 30th bird. This miss was my fault, having forgot cartridges; meaning I ran back to car resulting in me overheating and had glasses steaming up etc. but never mind I am still well chuffed as it was a 4 target improvement over my previous PB!
On a separate note, some of you may remember that I purchased an evo-comp stock a few weeks ago, and this was my 6th outing with it! Other than making a minor adjustment to the comb height before today, it feels awesome, so pleased with it!
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On a separate note, some of you may remember that I purchased an evo-comp stock a few weeks ago, and this was my 6th outing with it! Other than making a minor adjustment to the comb height before today, it feels awesome, so pleased with it!
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