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ABT angles have been reduced to 32.5° plus or minus 2.5°. As angleometers (giant protractors) used in target setting, are stepped in 5° increments, max is 35° and in most regular ABT shooters minds a retrograde step.

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...but hey, you've never shot it and know it all John!!!

I never said I knew it all... sorry if I come over that way and some how I have offended you.

All of the things you have pointed out as it happens ... I do know! The point I was making is that for some reason DTL is some what belittled when put along side so called "fast trap" however there are very obvious differences, the main being the obvious speed and angles of the targets. However one very quickly gets used to the speed and angle of "fast trap" targets! If I may be so bold as to give an opinion? Speed and target angle is the least common reason for missing a so called fast trap target. I have been to UT shoots where four different trenches have been set with a different scheme in each yet the scores achieved in each are comparable if not almost the same. No the reason for misses is more commonly down to pre-shot routine inconsistency that is feet, hands ,eyes, gun mount and time. Some may say but this is shown up by target speed, I don't think so, if you don't mount you gun properly you will miss the target but not because of its speed or its angle you just don't know or recognise you are shooting the wrong bit of sky. This is just my opinion but Mr 40UP will be able to give you the definitive because he does know it all .. or nearly all :)

The point I was making was that more than three second barrel targets in a DTL and you are out of the competition more or less in so called "fast trap" a second barrel hit is just as good as a first. The thing is the pressure in DTL is to hit with the first barrel every time... I have seen 100 UT and OT competitions won with anything up to three complete misses even in the very best of conditions!

Also what you failed to acknowledge was that he did not just hit a 25 first barrel he did 99 from 100 first barrel which knocks a 25 at UT into the weeds... which was in fact the gist of my post!

Anyway you have a nice day now the team formerly known as Rangers are leading at the moment! Took a doing last week against the famous though? Do you think they will see out the season?

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