I had a look for info on Marco, but there isn't that much about him oddly enough! I found out that he is over 6ft 1in tall, which is quite tall, Emilio was also about that height, just a tad shorter than me in fact, I'm about 6 ft 2in. A lot of the Italians that I've shot with over the years seemed to be pretty short, well somewhat shorter than me anyway! But there again Ian, a lot people are shorter than me.

Looking at the style of Marco's shooting, he shot very hunched up and bent over with his stock very low in the shoulder as far as I could see. Emilio was hunched and quite bent over but his gun was much higher in the shoulder. My own shooting style is not not unlike Emilio's , for obvious reasons I guess. As far as looks go, well I can't see any huge resemblance between Emilio and Marco, so I guess I will never know unless I ever get to speak to Marco, which is unlikely!