Wonko the Sane
Well-known member
Seems like this guy would be a good one to tap for some hints (sorry about the length) The thread portion below sorta starts at http://www.trapshooters.com/threads/international-trap.226546/page-3 and Chubb's remarks (below) are at the end of page5
Earlier in this thread a comment was made about wouldn’t it be nice to fund a team to compete on the European Grand Prix circuit. This is an initiative that we’ve successfully dealt with and been blessed to have a benefactor support KSP with a sizeable sum of funds annually in order to take a team to Europe and specifically season them on the Grand Prix circuit. In addition our teams ammo needs have been underwritten by Baschieri & Pellagri for the past several years.
Our teams success rate on the European Grand Prix circuit so has been phenomenal. Our athletes train hard and smart, but we feel that some of our teams success rides in properly managing the climatizing our athletes prior to the match. This includes making sure that they arrive in country at least a week prior to their first major competition in order to adequately shake off the effects of jet lag. In addition, this time allows the athlete to get into the swing of things and permits then ample opportunity to properly learn the range. In every case since we opened our doors in 2011, our athletes have won medals and in the case of this summer, THEY WON BIG!!!! Alexander “AJ” Dupre of Champion, Pennsylvania won the 2014 Daniele Perazzi Challenge Cup at Lonato, Italy this summer and in doing so beat over 550 competitors, of which included 12 Olympic medalists and countless World Cup and World Champions. AJ won a one of a kind Perazzi “Signature Edition” SCO worth over $50,000, which makes his victory the largest prize package in Olympic shooting sports history. You might want to check out our website atwww.keystoneshootingpark.com for more details and to watch a short video of the final shot. What made this victory even sweeter was that AJ beat many of the world’s best shooters on their own home range.
Other athletes from Keystone such as Lance Thompson (Age 12 – Carlisle, Pennsylvania) and Heidi Bechtold (Age 16 – Cochranville, Pennsylvania) won both Junior and Ladies medals at both the Munich Grand Prix in Munich, Germany and the Grand Prix de Cernay in Cernay, France. This event was heavily covered by the French media and reports of the our kids medaling made it onto French National Television. Two of our other Junior athletes also finished in the top ranks of both Grand Prix’s.
If I may offer this….the belligerent commentary is wholly unproductive and mean spirted to say the least. In addition, holding court and/or a world wide web bitch session is not going to put one American athlete on a podium. All of the time dedicated to this thread by you Gentlemen is wasted and you have freely frittered away part of your life in crafting your replies and retorts. Transfer your passion and comments to those that can directly affect change, which in this case clearly lies on the shoulders of USA Shooting CEO Robert Mitchell [email protected].
The comments and premise that Olympic shotgun sports ranges lose money and are largely idle is far from being accurate. KSP is the most active Olympic shotgun sports range in North America, because of the fact that the innovative system core that we installed allows our patrons unlimited access 7 days a week. By the end of this month, we’ll have lights installed on our range in order for the athletes to be able to train in the evening hours after school. If you want to operate your range under a failed culture of only being opened two or three days a week and only throw one or two matches a year, then you will continue to stand in the shallow end of the pool. Cultural barriers are what separates our athletes from being constant medal threats in Olympic Trap. The synergy of our sport changed two decades ago. Every facet of our understanding of the game has evolved, but our nation still operates as though it was 1976. Those days are long gone and instead of our athletes having a better than average chances of hearing their names announced at the awards ceremony, they’re more likely to hear the famous words “Thanks for coming”. The Italians, Russians and Czechs have upped their commitment to their athlete training and development, while our athletes are treated like some neighborhood pick up team and required to pay their own way to World Cups and other ISSF events. This is not a recipe for success. Our nation is lacking a sufficient number of experienced and qualified coaches and that's why we brought Rodolfo Vigano' from the Italian National Team over to be our guest coach for one of our High Performance Camps. We continued to seek his instruction during one of our European training trips as well. Dan Carlisle is the most experienced and talented coaches in this nation, but Dan would not allow himself to be put in a position to be arm chair quarterbacked by bureaucrats. The current mindset at our NGB would also not allow them to pay him what he's really worth, so for those reasons this would be marriage conceived in hell.
We've brought on a stable of major sponsors at Keystone that include Baschieri & Pellagri, Perazzi, Fiocchi, Beretta, Eurotarget, Krieghoff. We will have another well-known Italian company join our roll of sponsors in the near future as well. We have something magical happening at KSP and we’re extremely excited about the future of our athletes. Apparently we have inspired others as well as we have athletes wanting to come to KSP to train from across the nation. In addition, we’ve received inquiries from members of foreign national teams wanting us to host training camps for them next spring so you be the judge. If you want to channel your passion to something positive and help to make a real difference, then I freely encourage each of you to contact us at KSP and assist us in developing a network of coaches, supporters and benefactors that will put more of our athletes in podium position for years to come.
Best Regards,
Allen Chubb - President - Chubb International Shooting Sports, Inc. & Keystone Shooting Park
Suppositions are an ignorant man’s pillow. In your previous posts you made assumptions based on your ignorance of what you believe is happening in our sport in this nation. As you’ve now learned from my previous post, the resources that you are wanting for OTHERS to create, are in fact already in existence. Plans to build additional world class training facilities are already in existence and creation of additional resources are already in the works. If you’re waiting on us, then my friend you’re backing up. I encourage you to study and learn more about the projects that we have initiated at KSP as a start. You’re out of touch with present day reality and much of your commentary is out of date. I will not speak for others, but what I will say is that our promotional and marketing efforts has given a wake-up call to many. Several of our events are sold out months in advance of their scheduling and in the case of one event, it was sold out 5 months prior. You’re incorrect in assuming that we are all sitting on our hands and waiting for the next great white hope to arrive on the scene to save us. We’re setting our plans in action and we’re making a difference, so please let me know when you plan to come back to the U.S. and we’d be happy to see what you have to offer our program and athletes.
In regards to your comments about USAS, “I don’t have any contest with them”. Yes, I’m sure that this is the most accurate statement in this entire thread and that’s because you’re not even on their radar screen especially since your once again residing in Romania. Come back to the US and initiate some of your previously stated programs and goals. Acquire funding from one of their prior donors and you’ll soon sing a different tune. In respects to the last two sentences of your previous post, I was taught a long time ago that opinions are like rectums…..everyone’s got one. Thanks for your concern about our ability to manage a sponsorship program for our athletes. We already have that under control, but of course you already knew that.
I'm attaching a couple photos for your enjoyment. The first one is of Team Keystone at the Perazzi Gran Mondiale event. B&P Italia underwrote the teams ammunition need for the entire trip. Member's (L to R): Alexander "AJ" Dupre (Age 22), Matthew Mawn (Age 18), Allen Chubb (Head Coach), Lance Thompson (Age 12), Heidi Bechtold (Age 16), Ann Jardin (Age 23), Donald Koons (Assistant Coach) & Donovan Barry (Age 17).
If you log onto our website www.keystoneshootingpark.com you can watch a short video of AJ's winning shot in the finals against Daniele Resca of the Italian National Team and 2008 Italian Olympic Team. I hope to see you there next summer with your athletes.
Best Regards,
Allen Chubb - President - Chubb International Shooting Sports, Inc. & Keystone Shooting Park
Earlier in this thread a comment was made about wouldn’t it be nice to fund a team to compete on the European Grand Prix circuit. This is an initiative that we’ve successfully dealt with and been blessed to have a benefactor support KSP with a sizeable sum of funds annually in order to take a team to Europe and specifically season them on the Grand Prix circuit. In addition our teams ammo needs have been underwritten by Baschieri & Pellagri for the past several years.
Our teams success rate on the European Grand Prix circuit so has been phenomenal. Our athletes train hard and smart, but we feel that some of our teams success rides in properly managing the climatizing our athletes prior to the match. This includes making sure that they arrive in country at least a week prior to their first major competition in order to adequately shake off the effects of jet lag. In addition, this time allows the athlete to get into the swing of things and permits then ample opportunity to properly learn the range. In every case since we opened our doors in 2011, our athletes have won medals and in the case of this summer, THEY WON BIG!!!! Alexander “AJ” Dupre of Champion, Pennsylvania won the 2014 Daniele Perazzi Challenge Cup at Lonato, Italy this summer and in doing so beat over 550 competitors, of which included 12 Olympic medalists and countless World Cup and World Champions. AJ won a one of a kind Perazzi “Signature Edition” SCO worth over $50,000, which makes his victory the largest prize package in Olympic shooting sports history. You might want to check out our website atwww.keystoneshootingpark.com for more details and to watch a short video of the final shot. What made this victory even sweeter was that AJ beat many of the world’s best shooters on their own home range.
Other athletes from Keystone such as Lance Thompson (Age 12 – Carlisle, Pennsylvania) and Heidi Bechtold (Age 16 – Cochranville, Pennsylvania) won both Junior and Ladies medals at both the Munich Grand Prix in Munich, Germany and the Grand Prix de Cernay in Cernay, France. This event was heavily covered by the French media and reports of the our kids medaling made it onto French National Television. Two of our other Junior athletes also finished in the top ranks of both Grand Prix’s.
If I may offer this….the belligerent commentary is wholly unproductive and mean spirted to say the least. In addition, holding court and/or a world wide web bitch session is not going to put one American athlete on a podium. All of the time dedicated to this thread by you Gentlemen is wasted and you have freely frittered away part of your life in crafting your replies and retorts. Transfer your passion and comments to those that can directly affect change, which in this case clearly lies on the shoulders of USA Shooting CEO Robert Mitchell [email protected].
The comments and premise that Olympic shotgun sports ranges lose money and are largely idle is far from being accurate. KSP is the most active Olympic shotgun sports range in North America, because of the fact that the innovative system core that we installed allows our patrons unlimited access 7 days a week. By the end of this month, we’ll have lights installed on our range in order for the athletes to be able to train in the evening hours after school. If you want to operate your range under a failed culture of only being opened two or three days a week and only throw one or two matches a year, then you will continue to stand in the shallow end of the pool. Cultural barriers are what separates our athletes from being constant medal threats in Olympic Trap. The synergy of our sport changed two decades ago. Every facet of our understanding of the game has evolved, but our nation still operates as though it was 1976. Those days are long gone and instead of our athletes having a better than average chances of hearing their names announced at the awards ceremony, they’re more likely to hear the famous words “Thanks for coming”. The Italians, Russians and Czechs have upped their commitment to their athlete training and development, while our athletes are treated like some neighborhood pick up team and required to pay their own way to World Cups and other ISSF events. This is not a recipe for success. Our nation is lacking a sufficient number of experienced and qualified coaches and that's why we brought Rodolfo Vigano' from the Italian National Team over to be our guest coach for one of our High Performance Camps. We continued to seek his instruction during one of our European training trips as well. Dan Carlisle is the most experienced and talented coaches in this nation, but Dan would not allow himself to be put in a position to be arm chair quarterbacked by bureaucrats. The current mindset at our NGB would also not allow them to pay him what he's really worth, so for those reasons this would be marriage conceived in hell.
We've brought on a stable of major sponsors at Keystone that include Baschieri & Pellagri, Perazzi, Fiocchi, Beretta, Eurotarget, Krieghoff. We will have another well-known Italian company join our roll of sponsors in the near future as well. We have something magical happening at KSP and we’re extremely excited about the future of our athletes. Apparently we have inspired others as well as we have athletes wanting to come to KSP to train from across the nation. In addition, we’ve received inquiries from members of foreign national teams wanting us to host training camps for them next spring so you be the judge. If you want to channel your passion to something positive and help to make a real difference, then I freely encourage each of you to contact us at KSP and assist us in developing a network of coaches, supporters and benefactors that will put more of our athletes in podium position for years to come.
Best Regards,
Allen Chubb - President - Chubb International Shooting Sports, Inc. & Keystone Shooting Park
Suppositions are an ignorant man’s pillow. In your previous posts you made assumptions based on your ignorance of what you believe is happening in our sport in this nation. As you’ve now learned from my previous post, the resources that you are wanting for OTHERS to create, are in fact already in existence. Plans to build additional world class training facilities are already in existence and creation of additional resources are already in the works. If you’re waiting on us, then my friend you’re backing up. I encourage you to study and learn more about the projects that we have initiated at KSP as a start. You’re out of touch with present day reality and much of your commentary is out of date. I will not speak for others, but what I will say is that our promotional and marketing efforts has given a wake-up call to many. Several of our events are sold out months in advance of their scheduling and in the case of one event, it was sold out 5 months prior. You’re incorrect in assuming that we are all sitting on our hands and waiting for the next great white hope to arrive on the scene to save us. We’re setting our plans in action and we’re making a difference, so please let me know when you plan to come back to the U.S. and we’d be happy to see what you have to offer our program and athletes.
In regards to your comments about USAS, “I don’t have any contest with them”. Yes, I’m sure that this is the most accurate statement in this entire thread and that’s because you’re not even on their radar screen especially since your once again residing in Romania. Come back to the US and initiate some of your previously stated programs and goals. Acquire funding from one of their prior donors and you’ll soon sing a different tune. In respects to the last two sentences of your previous post, I was taught a long time ago that opinions are like rectums…..everyone’s got one. Thanks for your concern about our ability to manage a sponsorship program for our athletes. We already have that under control, but of course you already knew that.
I'm attaching a couple photos for your enjoyment. The first one is of Team Keystone at the Perazzi Gran Mondiale event. B&P Italia underwrote the teams ammunition need for the entire trip. Member's (L to R): Alexander "AJ" Dupre (Age 22), Matthew Mawn (Age 18), Allen Chubb (Head Coach), Lance Thompson (Age 12), Heidi Bechtold (Age 16), Ann Jardin (Age 23), Donald Koons (Assistant Coach) & Donovan Barry (Age 17).

If you log onto our website www.keystoneshootingpark.com you can watch a short video of AJ's winning shot in the finals against Daniele Resca of the Italian National Team and 2008 Italian Olympic Team. I hope to see you there next summer with your athletes.
Best Regards,
Allen Chubb - President - Chubb International Shooting Sports, Inc. & Keystone Shooting Park