Ed Lyons strikes again!

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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2012
Ok,so I have fairly good eyes,never needed glasses etc. I found that when I concentrated hard on hanging crows mostly,I would get a slight double vision. Also locking onto targets clearly was taking a little time.

After speaking with Ed,I made an appointment to travel up and see him for a 'sports vision' consultation. It transpires,that I do have good vision,but when I concentrate my eyes converge,giving me a slight double vision!

Ed loaned me three different sets of frames and a load of different colours for each,to see which best suited me. I opted for the Randolph Rangers,with a vermillion lense...lightweight,really fit to your face well,and I found I could use that lense in all lights.

Received my new specs through the post Saturday morning,after taking a call just the day before from Ed to say they'd arrived! All I can say is wow! It's like seeing in HD! Clear target acquisition is phenomenal! Yesterday I could actually see the ridge on a battue at around 40yds! Never seen anything like it! I was able to punch into fast 1/4ing away rabbits easily 5 - 10yds sooner than before!

Even if you think your vision is pretty good,it's really worth seeing what Ed can do for you! Perfect vision is a revelation and undoubtedly a huge advantage!

A huge thanks to Ed and his team at Flint and Partners. Top class!

Wayne, is this just a colour lens or corrected in some way ?

Was it the colour that did the trick or was there a prescription lens too, if you don't mind me asking?

edit: was typing at the same time as Hamster

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Its the colour Will, its always the colour :)

Ed is very good, He sorted me out with some pilla lenses nothing is too much trouble. Wayne i think you need some frosted lenses especially while we are in the same class!!!!!

Ed is very good, He sorted me out with some pilla lenses nothing is too much trouble. Wayne i think you need some frosted lenses especially while we are in the same class!!!!!
Ha! You must be moving up too this time,surely?

I don't know - there are some people who have been trying for years and only achieve mediocrity no matter how much hard work and dedication they put into it. There is a thing called talent too you know, some people have it and some don't.

Very very true my friend some god awful technique from some world class shooters prove it. I been trying for nearly thirty years but remain hopeful the hard work will pay off but it better happen soon as time is ticking :)

Slightly off topic.. Wayne does have a natural talent he has'nt been shooting long in relative terms so good on him.!!this shooting lark is not easy!! TALENT cannot be purchased.......

Yes Wayne, you are right about Ed Lyons.

My vision had become so poor that target acquisition was extremely difficult. Having tried various shooting glasses and contact lenses I was on the verge of giving up shooting altogether when I came across Ed Lyons name.
Over the two hour appointment I experienced an eye test  tailored to find solutions to the problems which I had been suffering. When my glasses arrived they were exactly what I hoped for, I was able to see the targets and acquire them earlier. I am now able to enjoy my shooting again.

Thanks very much Ed.


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