Ejectors and V springs

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Buy a s/s live pigeon gun.Plenty of non ejectors around with v springs !

And thankyou but I am well aware of the writings of those people you quoted and know all about the merits of v springs.

You are looking for the gun that doesn`t exist,other than by bespoke order .


This might be a stupid question but, what do Beretta ejectors do if you remove the springs from underneath the ejectors, do they then just lift, not work at all or do something diffetent?

If you take the springs out of my Beretta it just doesn't work at all. One of the 'conversions' out there on the Internet involves shorter, or cut-down, springs.

As suggested I have looked a little closer at Caesar Guerini (or at least I have spoken at length to the nice chap at Anglo-Italian) , and he confirms that they do indeed convert to non-ejector by removing the springs. Looking at their web site and that of their Amarican counterparts it seems that they have absolutely cracked the whole art of embellishing a shotgun to a very high standard by harnessing the power of high-tech methods combined with hand finishing. Take a peek at the floorplate of The Caesar Guerini Ellipse Curve. If anyone had told me there was a gun available off the shelf with a picture of a naked woman on it I wouldn't have bothered looking - it would just have to be so naff, so tasteless, so nasty. But this one - gosh! I'm in love!  I have yet to play with or properly handle this range, but I will. The prospect of a ten year warranty is attrractive, too. I know they don't have V springs, but the package looks attractive so far.


I'm interested in the comment about the 725, that's helpful. I guess over the years coil spring powered actions must have improved like so much else.

And the comment about getting a pigeon gun chimes with me. There are thousands of quality English guns out there with V springs (very few without, in fact), many either already are non -ejectors (like the one in the top left corner) or can be made so very simply. And there are quite a few made as live pigeon guns, which have the longer chambers and the extra weight and a raised rib and all that. Most, of course, are side-by-sides.

So while I can't have everything on my list at reasonable cost I can have most of it. There's no urgency, I shall enjoy the quest. Thank you for your replies

Sorry Guys for the triple entry! Out of G.B. at Mo, never know if the internet is working! Hence three attempts!

I think without it custom made you will have a hard time trying to find this combination, I have a Browning 725 and in my opinion the trigger's are just as crisp and with as fast a lock time, as any gun I have had with 'V' springs.
I personally think the V spring thing is a myth, I've had guns with V springs and with coil springs, for me it's more to do with the rest of the internals of the gun. The spring itself is just a means of energy storage, how that energy is released is the key factor along with the lock time. You can get a fast lock time and crisp pulls with V or coil springs, you can also get some pretty dire pulls with either too, a good trigger man can often work wonders with even very agricultural triggers, such as those found in Miroku's.

Have a look at some of the prettier Blaser F3's.

They have inline hammers, so the trigger pulls are on par with V springs.

The ejectors cock on opening, not on closing...very smooth.

And, I have been looking and now found this video, which mentions removal of a ball bearing, to convert to non-ejector.

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Have a look at some of the prettier Blaser F3's.

They have inline hammers, so the trigger pulls are on par with V springs.

The ejectors cock on opening, not on closing...very smooth.

And, I have been looking and now found this video, which mentions removal of a ball bearing, to convert to non-ejector.
I've seen a few Blasers,very nice guns, some very novel ideas involved in them without a doubt!

I've seen a few Blasers,very nice guns, some very novel ideas involved in them without a doubt!

Blaser F3 "Dragon", commissioned by Chris Potter (several, not just one)


The myth of V-springs indeed.  I have both V-spring and coil spring Perazzis and I defy anyone to tell the difference in the trigger pulls

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None ejector, interesting.

You just catch them its no problem, the trouble is with none ejector is you have to try and get hold of the rim of the cartridge which in winter with cold or gloved hands may prove to be an issue.

Trappies can make another sport out of catching or displacing cartridges into the bin. It can be done in many ways some even could be considered artistic or even graceful. For the record my cartridge catching ability is far better than my actual shooting :)

I can tell that as my shooting abilities are declining I'm prolly most likely to concentrate on my cart catching/slapping moves to impress the throngs

That Blaser has the laser engraving dunnit?

Hey,  I would not be able to 'impress the throngs' with a NON ejector. How would I be able to wave my gun around in all directions whilst endevouring to eject the spent cases into the bin.


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