If you take the springs out of my Beretta it just doesn't work at all. One of the 'conversions' out there on the Internet involves shorter, or cut-down, springs.
As suggested I have looked a little closer at Caesar Guerini (or at least I have spoken at length to the nice chap at Anglo-Italian) , and he confirms that they do indeed convert to non-ejector by removing the springs. Looking at their web site and that of their Amarican counterparts it seems that they have absolutely cracked the whole art of embellishing a shotgun to a very high standard by harnessing the power of high-tech methods combined with hand finishing. Take a peek at the floorplate of The Caesar Guerini Ellipse Curve. If anyone had told me there was a gun available off the shelf with a picture of a naked woman on it I wouldn't have bothered looking - it would just have to be so naff, so tasteless, so nasty. But this one - gosh! I'm in love! I have yet to play with or properly handle this range, but I will. The prospect of a ten year warranty is attrractive, too. I know they don't have V springs, but the package looks attractive so far.
I'm interested in the comment about the 725, that's helpful. I guess over the years coil spring powered actions must have improved like so much else.
And the comment about getting a pigeon gun chimes with me. There are thousands of quality English guns out there with V springs (very few without, in fact), many either already are non -ejectors (like the one in the top left corner) or can be made so very simply. And there are quite a few made as live pigeon guns, which have the longer chambers and the extra weight and a raised rib and all that. Most, of course, are side-by-sides.
So while I can't have everything on my list at reasonable cost I can have most of it. There's no urgency, I shall enjoy the quest. Thank you for your replies