went out to a 50 birder,fibre wad as per usual, used the blue diamonds as I got 1k of them, didnt mix any other brands, my score was about average at this shoot 37x50, as usual missed 4 "gifts" ,but thats down to me, anyways blue diamonds ,general feeling was ok breaks ,light /medium recoil as percieved by me, so although ok to use I dont think these will be my go to fibre wad,especialy at the normal list price! I was using 8s which are actual english 7.5s.
went out to a 50 birder,fibre wad as per usual, used the blue diamonds as I got 1k of them, didnt mix any other brands, my score was about average at this shoot 37x50, as usual missed 4 "gifts" ,but thats down to me, anyways blue diamonds ,general feeling was ok breaks ,light /medium recoil as percieved by me, so although ok to use I dont think these will be my go to fibre wad,especialy at the normal list price! I was using 8s which are actual english 7.5s.