English Open at Southdown 2014

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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My trap brain cant handle all this info, numbers out of sequence, targets you cant see etc etc sounds a right cock up. Think i will stick to trap although we get in a panic if the traps 1 degree out :)


well done jay your a star by the sounds of it :)



if my sporting thing had not been cancelled i bet i would have hit them all, just saying :)


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I was wearing my 46N lenses in my hidefspex and I think they helped with the tricky orange ones on 9 and 15 - and I don't have young eyes. However the orange clay still took me by surprise on stand 9 as I saw it clearly watching the others shoot it but it seemed to take a lot longer to become visible when in the stand. Somehow I still shot all of those ones.
The ordering of the stands was a bit of nonsense especially as the ref refused to let us shoot stand 1 out of order despite there being no one waiting and we were the last rotation and running on time. But the ref was the same jobsworth at the World sporting who wouldn't let me see the targets as I was last walking up with the scorecard- as the rest of the squad had seen them apparently I didn't need to! Now I agree redding is a hard job due to concentration but I do find they are very inconsistent between themselves. All I want from refs is sensible interpretation of the rules, consistency between themselves and accurate scoring.
By splitting the course over the lane and the valley there was no way it could run to time ie 2 hours so it must have been pretty chaotic of the first 2 days with 4 rotations.
No real complaints about the targets except a lack of variety maybe. Lots of going away/quartering - suggested by Matt that it's done like that to make the traps easy to fill but nothing like Southdown targets used to be

Went and shot the layout in the rain today. Hit 50%, stand 9 the orange was invisible to me until it was dropping into the crop and on 15 the right to left one evaded me completely. Down the lane, south side there was a sim pair one bird of which was just above the grass and another stand with a similar low bird, a challenge. Stand 1 was a laugh with the first clay only visible for about a second but I still worked out how to smoke it.

All made a bit more interesting as I was alone and not in to paying to see the birds first. I was relying on the delay function and on several stands the audio beeper was not working.

That having been said I stand by my comment of tough but fair! At national level I expect the top guys to be a cut above the rest. If the 80 odd AAA shots had scored 90 or above instead of being spread over 30 points how would you differentiate them.

... stand 9 the orange was invisible to me until it was dropping into the crop and on 15 the right to left one evaded me completely. Down the lane, south side there was a sim pair one bird of which was just above the grass and another stand with a similar low bird, a challenge. Stand 1 was a laugh with the first clay only visible for about a second but I still worked out how to smoke it.

That having been said I stand by my comment of tough but fair!

WOW again!!! Seriously...are you takeing the piss?!?!

The orange on stand 9 was odd. One shooter on the squad before us did not see it. The ref gave him three chances but he still never saw it.the rest of his squad and all my squad had no problems weird.

The orange on stand 9 was odd. One shooter on the squad before us did not see it. The ref gave him three chances but he still never saw it.the rest of his squad and all my squad had no problems weird.
The wind did effect the flight line of that clay at certain times....

They were moderated because they had nothing to do with the post topic other than you two insulting each other, thats what the private message function is for...

Yeah, now we have the Mad Moderator...if he doesn't like you or what you say...your posts will vanish!!! :0

Too funny/pathetic for words, I'm going to leave the forum for a while...Mardy Matt can get on with thought policing!!!

Actually I don't remove posts, unless they are extreme, so t'wasn't me tartan

Actually it was me... Once again no need for the bad language and insults. Yesterday we had a long thread welcoming a 10 year old to the forum, today we have stupid insults flying around.

So... I removed the post.... If you don't like it, you have two choices.... Lump it and stop the posts which many people find too harsh, or find a forum that tolerates the tone of your posts.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


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