Eye Dominance - mine seems to change very regularly?

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Also, if obfuscation is the order of the day you can by little patches to do this cheaply. Save messing about with Vaseline. Unless of course that's your thing ?

Remember this...There is only one rule when it comes to eye dominance...there are no rules.  I would try to see Ed Lyons when you can.  AND this shotguns are not rifles and ideally should be shot with both eyes open.

Having said that one of those folks that were trying to help you misdiagnosed you as you already know.  Unfortunately there is a byproduct that is what you are really dealing with now...that 800 pound gorilla between you ears battling you when you shoot.  I see this not to often but when I do I find my self engaging the gorilla more than helping the pupil shoot better!

I get students and darn near before anything else they MUST tell me they have eye dominance problems.  I ask them who told them and when (things can change).  From that point I check them but never carry it further unless needed.  My daughter is a prime example.

I was helping a group of young scouts and one of the lads the first thing out of his mouth was I am left eye dominate.  Those instances make me cringe!! The BIG gorilla is loose again thanks to someone who was only trying to help!!

When I have a student that is new to the game or first time with me after safety I eventually get around to gun fit.  That's where I see that one eye shut.  Then comes the two eyed shooting explanation along with an eye dominance check.  You would be surprised how many folks were never told or never had a clue that shooting a shotgun is ideally done with both eyes open.  In case your wondering I never discuss eye dominance if ever until we commence shooting and there is a distinct pattern of missing that favors the off eye in that case the dominate eye that I saw when I checked.  I do not want to awaken that gorilla!!!

You have a few choices...Keep shooting with one eye (dimming the off eye before triggering the shot is best) use the dot (have someone that knows how to get it placed correctly) or re-learn (beat that gorilla) how to shoot with both eyes open.

Take a look at some of Gil Ash's videos on eyes, how they work and a drill that can help.






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Unfortunately at the time of the eye test there were no clays or barrels present :)
and there lies the problem. The gun being present produces numerous issues that won't be apparent in a regular eye test.

go see Ed, yes there are others claiming to do the same job but having witnessed what some of the so called experts are telling people I'd give them a very wide berth.
