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thanks so much for your input,and i agree most of nicks replies have been professionally worded.unfortunately i have read the debris comment on more than one post already and resisted answering but here goes.the problem being with that is that i installed the choke after cleaning the gun and am very thorough about this so am absolutely positive debris was not an issue in the problem.i hope that clears it up but i am sure i will be castigated by the many muller fans on this site for not toeing the party line.   rgds Mark
fair comment that theory is out the window then, be interesting to see if the replacement choke is ok.

for the record I dont use a multi choke gun but had a couple over the years, never had muller ones and I dont know nick personally. Anyway I hope you get the problem sorted.


I think he means Truter... not Tinker.
Sorry. :laugh: I had asked him earlier about how long he had been shooting as I could not find anything on a quick search prior to 2012.

Ignore my comment matey :laugh:

Too many Nic's ..... L. O. L.

Seems to me that I have been right all along and that multi choke guns are cack.

just saying :)

Could not possibly comment

(Ninja.... Most of mine are fixed chokes too IPS and those that are not....haven't been out for years and years #drillneeded )

Orrible modern things they are, I remember when even sporting shooters just used different cartridges instead of all this fannying about with chokes. Dont like em wont have em should be banned :)

I don't even know what chokes are in my gun and I don't really care.

thanks so much for your input,and i agree most of nicks replies have been professionally worded.

unfortunately i have read the debris comment on more than one post already and resisted answering but here goes.

the problem being with that is that i installed the choke after cleaning the gun and am very thorough about this so am absolutely positive debris was not an issue in the problem.

i hope that clears it up but i am sure i will be castigated by the many muller fans on this site for not toeing the party line.

   rgds Mark

Just to be clear - there is no 'party line' on this, you have seen as many pro-Muller posts, as anti-Muller posts. You have chosen to debate a customer service issue in public in order to gather support for your 'case', and you are seeing the results of that.  I don't think you are being castigated, you are hearing other views, that is what forums are about. 

Nick has made a pretty good offer of replacement or refund - which is the best you can hope for in a situation like this, unless you feel that something else would be appropriate.  If so, I'd suggest you take that to Nick and work with him, he is a genuine small business owner who has offered to try and explain what he thinks has happened, but as there is doubt, he has offered to refund out of his bottom line.

I am not a Muller user - and have no view on your issue - but I do have a view on how it's been handled, which feels appropriate for the level of impact that the issue has given you.


To nick,seen as i have answered all questions on this thread can i ask you how long you have been shooting and what is your engineering background?

   rgds Mark
Hi Mark,

I have absolutely nothing to hide, so here are the answers to your questions:

I have been shooting since late 2007. I have no engineering background at all; I leave that to the experts such as Jim Muller and Jack Wood (added for SkeetUK ;) ).

I've pointed Jim at this thread so that he can offer his comments directly; something he is very willing to do at his earliest convenience.

Many thanks,


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Obviously, I like Muller Chokes and so do many of my co-shooters, so perhaps I am biased. 

However, as Matt has pointed out; this seems to be less about the choke and more about how the OP has been treated.

I know Nick to be a stand up kinda guy and it certainly seems to be the case here.

The choke has been replaced, without so much as a "But..."

So really, what is it that the OP wants?  A Whiplash cheque? 

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Can I possibly point out that an engineer would be involved in design and manufacture...but not necessarily needed at the point of sale or customer service.

Can I possibly point out that an engineer would be involved in design and manufacture...but not necessarily needed at the point of sale or customer service.
or you could be the type of engineer that fixes things :)

Just saying

I am trying hard to understand the complainants point of view but failing here. He has been given a new choke, he has been offered a refund what more does he want? Muller to take the product off the market because he has had a problem. For what it is worth if the complainant does not fully trust the product return it to Nick he will or has offered a return of the cost of the product. I am not an engineer but the damage to the choke does appear to stem from some of the charge gaining access to the back of the threads why?? Possibly not fully seated in the choke recess ?

To my knowledge many thousands of these chokes have been sold throughout the US and Europe is there a large number of these chokes going wrong? Again I am not an engineer but why would the occurrence of this type of fault cause damage to the barrels of the gun? The choke surface is damaged but the choke still has its integrity the damage to the part of the choke not normally contacted by the charge indicates to me that this is because it has not been fitted correctly or if it was at some time it has loosened off and the charge has leaked up the back of it.

Of course should the complainant just want to say Muller chokes are crap because of what happened to the one fitted to his gun then fair enough he is entitled to his say ... many others think they are fine some simply love them... who is right the many users fully satisfied or the one person I have heard of with this type of complaint. I hope the situation is resolved to the satisfaction of all parties :)

30 years ....full competition shooter...multi discipline....any shoot in the world that i fancy in any discipline and (not that it should make a difference) I am a mechanical engineer now retired from working in various countries around the World in the Petrocarbon industries (plus Nuclear power stations) .

Now how does that help you?
Hi,Nicola? as pointed out the question was not asked of you and i am not sure why you thought it was as i have not corresponded with you and have no reason to ask you.

i am sure that you are probably a better/more qualified engineer than anybody i have had the pleasure of conversing with.

i am sorry if you felt that i was besmirching your reputation in any way and to add to that with twice the experience i have are probably a much better shot.

also i was not suggesting you were a muller user just they seem to be very vociferous about the product.

as for me i am from my point laughably called a "regional engineer" a description carried over from my last employer,i deal with geometry and alignment on all vehicles from the smallest streetsweepers to 1000 tonne 8 axle cranes so have some understanding of the subject of angles.

i appreciate your candidness and as you already perceive no offence meant.

   best rgds Mark

Hi,Nicola? as pointed out the question was not asked of you and i am not sure why you thought it was as i have not corresponded with you and have no reason to ask you.

i am sure that you are probably a better/more qualified engineer than anybody i have had the pleasure of conversing with.

i am sorry if you felt that i was besmirching your reputation in any way and to add to that with twice the experience i have are probably a much better shot.

also i was not suggesting you were a muller user just they seem to be very vociferous about the product.

as for me i am from my point laughably called a "regional engineer" a description carried over from my last employer,i deal with geometry and alignment on all vehicles from the smallest streetsweepers to 1000 tonne 8 axle cranes so have some understanding of the subject of angles.

i appreciate your candidness and as you already perceive no offence meant.

best rgds Mark
Not at all.

I presumed as I have the same name....and I had asked you the same question....that for some reason you were asking same of me .

Thank you for your comments....but as far as shooting goes.....I am happy to be a wannabee.

So as loads have already pointed out ...why not send them back for a refund and that is the end of your problem.

No doubt the design engineer will be able to answer more accurately on the attributes of his design.

But ...might also be worth having your barrels checked if you are the only one with this problem at the minute.

Hope that helps. xx

I am trying hard to understand the complainants point of view but failing here. He has been given a new choke, he has been offered a refund what more does he want? Muller to take the product off the market because he has had a problem. For what it is worth if the complainant does not fully trust the product return it to Nick he will or has offered a return of the cost of the product. I am not an engineer but the damage to the choke does appear to stem from some of the charge gaining access to the back of the threads why?? Possibly not fully seated in the choke recess ?

To my knowledge many thousands of these chokes have been sold throughout the US and Europe is there a large number of these chokes going wrong? Again I am not an engineer but why would the occurrence of this type of fault cause damage to the barrels of the gun? The choke surface is damaged but the choke still has its integrity the damage to the part of the choke not normally contacted by the charge indicates to me that this is because it has not been fitted correctly or if it was at some time it has loosened off and the charge has leaked up the back of it.

Of course should the complainant just want to say Muller chokes are crap because of what happened to the one fitted to his gun then fair enough he is entitled to his say ... many others think they are fine some simply love them... who is right the many users fully satisfied or the one person I have heard of with this type of complaint. I hope the situation is resolved to the satisfaction of all parties :)

i should probably start ignoring replies that have any statement pointing in any direction to poor/incorrect or faulty fitment as i have explained myself already.

i started the thread with the hope of getting some independent information and opinion in the hope of restoring my faith in the product but unfortunately that has not happened.

as you stated you are not an engineer but still chose to repeat what has been said before which goes against my knowledge.

"To my knowledge many thousands of these chokes have been sold throughout the US and Europe is there a large number of these chokes going wrong?" well as i gather more information on the subject it seems that there are far more than i actually believed there would be.

i did not start out to bash/demean muller in anyway but the thread has been pushed in that direction by peoples responses presuming i was.

can i ask are you speaking from an independent point of view or do you use muller chokes?

  best rgds Mark
I think at this point we should accept schomokins assurance that it was fitted correctly he is an engineer so by definition is not a numpty so the problem must lie in either faulty choke (hopefully now replaced problem solved) or faulty barrel.

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