First 100 skeet

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2012
Didn't get to shoot last weekend, so after a look at the fixtures I seen there was a registered skeet shoot on at Centeral Scotland today less than 15 miles from my door with a 12pm start time, ideal warm up for tomorrows sporting I thought!?!?

Got there way too early so got a card and went to shoot a "few off the tower"...well a few turned into 95, from the left, the right, under, dropping, early, cage, very addictive!!!

Anyway, shot the skeet and had fun. 1/4 chokes and 8's, made an arse of the first round 20, nominated to shoot the high bird first on peg 4 double and missed it the first three rounds!?!? 20, 24, 24, then switched to low first in the 4th round, killed the pair...but dropped 3 singles, high house peg 2 three times!!! Couldn't stop myself giving it 3 feet lead!?!? Anyway, a not too hidious 90 :)

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Well shot!!  A very respectable score for a first go :)

H2 needs 18" to 24" depending where you shoot it, no more unless the wind is behind it :)

Hope you enjoyed it :)


I shoot pull away, so H2 needs almost nothing, front edge, gun speed makes the lead for me...3ft with pull away must be 4ft+ from there!?!?

Well shot Darkside, it'll be interesting to see if Skeet bugs you enough to keep going back to smash a 100 straight... It'll definitely help with concentration for your sporting shooting.

If it was a choice between sporting/FITASC and skeet...skeet would loss every time, but I will be shooting skeet again, not shooting 25 is bugging me never mind 100!!! :D ;)

If it was a choice between sporting/FITASC and skeet...skeet would loss every time, but I will be shooting skeet again, not shooting 25 is bugging me never mind 100!!! :D ;)
Thats how it starts fella ;) 25 straight bugs you, then you get it and 50 straight bugs you then 75 then 100. You then move to nssa skeet and it starts again but in all four gauges. Then you have a go at Olympic and the bugging starts all over again :D   Its worse than heroin :lol:

I'm a real novice, started my lessons early this year aimed at shooting in the field, then got the bug for splitting clays, have used the ashcombe facility 5 times as of today, always just walked past the skeet ground, today it was empty so I have myself 3 carts I had left from my sporting practice, enjoyed it so had a round of 25, broke 24 of the blighters, must say I really really enjoyed it! the doubles really get you moving the gun about well and I can see how the snap shop speed and the amount of swing involved is going to help my sporting practice. hope I get the nuts to enter a little comp by the end of summer:)

I'm a real novice, started my lessons early this year aimed at shooting in the field, then got the bug for splitting clays, have used the ashcombe facility 5 times as of today, always just walked past the skeet ground, today it was empty so I have myself 3 carts I had left from my sporting practice, enjoyed it so had a round of 25, broke 24 of the blighters, must say I really really enjoyed it! the doubles really get you moving the gun about well and I can see how the snap shop speed and the amount of swing involved is going to help my sporting practice. hope I get the nuts to enter a little comp by the end of summer:)
24! Well shot. Enter the comp, you will do fine!

I'm a real novice, started my lessons early this year aimed at shooting in the field, then got the bug for splitting clays, have used the ashcombe facility 5 times as of today, always just walked past the skeet ground, today it was empty so I have myself 3 carts I had left from my sporting practice, enjoyed it so had a round of 25, broke 24 of the blighters, must say I really really enjoyed it! the doubles really get you moving the gun about well and I can see how the snap shop speed and the amount of swing involved is going to help my sporting practice. hope I get the nuts to enter a little comp by the end of summer:)
Get competing fella, you most certainly wont disgrace yourself when your first effort was a 24! Just be very careful, its most addictive ;)

I can't imagine how strange it feels with others watching a scrutinising your technique, I admit I was chuffed all day coz of that 24 but the thought of trying it surrounded by people who know what their doing! I look forward to having a few more pops at it before the summers out and I'm sure I'll front up to one comp, I can see how addictive it could be, after missing that one bird I immediately wanted to start over! I didn't btw, and I can see how the mind game must be such a big part of it in the comps. anyway very very enjoyed it, lookforward to shooting it again, something very satisfying about knocking out the doubles.

cheers matt:)

Don't worry about others watching, they are far too busy concentrating on their own game. Even if they are watching you it will probably result in a few tips at the end :)

that's a good slant I hadn't thought of, I haven't met enough other shooters to know what the average joe shooter is like,

looking forward to getting back out, perhaps with 1 or 2 of the forum members that have come forward on another post.


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