First attempt at ABT

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2014
North Wales
Northall has an ABT and Compac layout that is off to one side of the sporting layout and to be honest is sort of considered to be a little of a black arts sub culture by a lot of the sporting shooters. I decided to go and have a look see if not have a go and ended up shooting a round of both Compac and ABT. After 4 months of shooting I'm getting around 50% at FITASC, and a little better at Sporting. The results on this layout were less than spectacular!

I got in with a squad of 4 on an ABT round and managed to hit about 5 clays. Rather disappointing but an invitation to try again and do better! Before I have shot other disciplines I have read up on the rules and etiquette and have been reasonably prepared as to how to do things but jumping in to ABT I was completely out of my depth and unprepared! Keeping loaded shells in a broken gun ready to close, hold and call was a complete change. I found the pace of shooting fast compared to sporting.

Not sure that a 32" sporting gun is the right tool but I'm keen to have another go as soon as I can! ( 5! Huh I'm sure I can do a lot better! )

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Welcome to fast trap. Very demanding is it not ?

Keep at it and improvement will come but be prepared as fast trap takes no prisoners.


well done for having a go

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Welcome to the murky world of fast trap! I have seen some who hit nothing at all at their first attempt at abt. Don't worry because it gets better, but not easier. Its like a drug, it becomes addictive !

The first time I shot it I hit 6. My best is 15 earlier in the year and the last time was a 12.  The most depressing thing about it is I put 50 carts in my bag and at the end had 6 left and I'd only hit 12 targets with 44 shots.  I used RC2 24g 71/2's thru half and full choke.

I shot my first ABTesque round last weekend, the ABT trap had broken so it was on a DTL layout with a DTL trap wound up didn't quite have the full speed/angle of ABT known locally as DTB I managed about the same as I would on DTL but found the rotations easier to deal with apart from a slight malfunction of my brain.....

My DTL scores have been increasing steadily since I bought a 3800 trap and I think it's time I tried a few reg shoots...

Good stuff for giving abt a go, its good fun!

For you first reg dtl event, start whenever you are comfortable with the whole process and can do a round safely!

P.S. does DTB stand for "Double The Ball-ache"?


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