First shoot today - mixed bag

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2013
North Pole
Well today with the good weather, i thought id pop down to southdowns and frighten a few clays --

Friighten my wallet  more like eek   had to fill the car, and grab a slab of carts     

When did fuel go up and carts . -  now i remember why i bought a motorbike . 

First off was skeet, i thought id start easy with something that was fairly predictable and  in theory should see if i was still capable of hitting anything :)

In short NO! 

First round was an abysmal 3 /25    mainly behind and not anticipating where break points need to be .

2nd Round was sort of better.   The low house decided to fight back and started lobbing incomming birds at me !  eek :O

Rapid change of plans  and after some maintenance  just used the high house.  and worked round ..

Better got 12/25,  hit one of each pair at least -  even managed to be in front a couple of times -   front edge chips  are a giveaway

Moved on to the moderate stuff at the top of the lane .

1st trap 

Incomming and  RL chondelle 

Incomming was dead centre and the chondelle went  dead centre too

2nd pair  singles

Incomming  dead centre but missed the Chondelle   

2nd trap

LR crosser &  down hill rabbit  

1st pair (Singles)

Took the crosser and missed the rabbit (behind)

2nd pair  (singles)

Took the crosser and obliterated the rabbit  :)

3rd pair singles

Missed the crosser -  but smoked the rabbit again

3rd trap

Oblique crosser and going away

1st pair (singles)

missed the crosser,  no idea  at all   - broke the going away

2nd pair missed everything

3rd pair missed everything -

Trying too hard i think

By this time my arm was starting to ache, so i called it a day .

So what did i learn,   ?

I can still hit them, (Just)    incommers and rabbits are fine

LR crossers  need work,  as do loopers     -

Certainly not good , but not as bad as i thought

