First UT 25

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Well-known member
May 9, 2013
Well after 136 attempts I have managed my first "vingt cinq" at fosse universel and I am yehaaaaaaaaaaa!

Funny old day bitter cold at 7C overcast and gusty but shot great mainly because, I think, I have changed my mount and am shooting much nearer the centre of my chest rather than in the pocket. First few rounds shooting like that but will be sticking with it to see how I progress felt really good today very tight and solid shooting position.

Don't know if you call it a "straight 25" because I had three second barrels but they all broke and that's what counts when you count up the scores so I am :)

Well done John ..!! Onwards and upwards now you know you can do it...!!

Nice one john well done mate oh and yes its a straight three second barrels very commendable old bean.

Well done John ..!! Onwards and upwards now you know you can do it...!!
Thanks!.... My wife said lets have a celebration, I said its only a 25 I didn't win anything to which she said .... I know but you might never do it again!!

To be fair Ian she is incredibly supportive of my shooting and always says shoot well when I leave and asks how it went when I return.... I just don't think she understands psychology :)

I am sure she didn't mean it literally. The first is the hardest no pressure now so more will come I guarantee it.

Bugger! You beat me to it :(

Very well done John. 50 Straight next on the list then.


Thanks DT managed a 23 on the next round was too cold to even think about another round !

"I bloody hate UT for some reason"

I really like UT it is quite a challenge and never a bore.... but if you don't like UT then you are goosed if you live down here it is the discipline 95% of the trap shooting is UT. I tend to shoot UT and OT but most of the competitions are UT.
