flash player for tablet

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
Mrs ips has a acer tablet some things on face book for instance req adobe flash player but obviously it won't install as they no longer support android so is there an alternative that we can download without adds and such like.

Yes you can get flash, just need a sideload....

give me 5 mins to dig out the link

Here it is




Sideload  -  Just download the APK file to your PC, then copy and paste the file into your tablet  (hooked up to your pc)

then run the file from your tablet.

BTW  you do this at your own risk ....   i'm only providing the link  :)   

You need to find the APK relating to your OS  - 

Im running Android 4.4.2  so i looked for the   Android 4 archives   (halfway down the page)

I run Adobe flash player 11.1   (at the time that was the latest release)


Other later versions are available   - whether they work or not is a matter of load and try

you could try downloading the dolphin browser, they used to have a flash player built in ...    (dont know if they still do though)


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Cheers will give it a go on Monday when I am in office.


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