G D burglar

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Scumbags. How does it take 3 days of deliberation to reach a guilty verdict with all that evidence?
Probably because they were doing what you are supposed to do if you are a juror and debating all of the evidence that was covered in the three weeks of the trial to make sure that there was no reasonable doubt that it was him.  Having sat as a juror on a trial of a similar length a couple of years ago, there is an awful lot of detail covered and you are making a major decision that affects many peoples lives.  All twelve of you have to be sure that the decision is right.  Sounds like a thorough job was done and that justice has been served.

us tax payers will be paying for his accommodation for several years ,   I would rather my taxes go towards something more deserving  , two down two to go !!

Justice would have been better served if he had met the fate of his accomplice though !
I've long been a believer that we need to be tougher on violent crime. This was a premeditated and vicious attack on an individual that was poorly able to defend himself. 

I think allowing this scumbag to live his days out in a comfortable cell, with hot meals and all the other stuff they get (TV's, games consoles etc) is a true travesty.

If the evidence is that compelling, he should be shown the same consideration that *he* showed - and maybe he should suffer the same fate.

Maybe if someone was going to be executed in the manner to which they killed they'd think twice. Stick him in a room, tie his hands and let two prisoners beat him to death....

And who gets to decide if the evidence is compelling enough?  Do you know anyone who is totally infallible and beyond corruption?

This country along with most other advanced nations does not have capital punishment, we do not execute people. The fear of losing ones life won't necessarily prevent heinous attacks, prisons the world over are full of people awaiting execution who knew the potential outcome. It might if anything lead to more people being killed for fear of getting caught like the hapless young girl recently kidnapped, raped and then released. 

Tougher, longer sentences for violent crime yes, punch someone after a night out get 8 years not conditional discharge, premeditated murder life, but beating them to death is itself savage behaviour. 

I don't believe hat tougher sentences would make a jot of difference. 

In this case we have told the guy he's going to jail for 28 years. He knows he'll only serve half of that, and be out before you know it.

Let's say he doesn't do well in prison, and he serves every day of his 28 years - he'll be an old man by the time he's released, he'll never reintegrate into society and will be a burden on our children and grandchildren.

I don't believe that that would represent any kind of justice, not for society, not for him, not for his victim. 

If you accidentally kill someone then you should expect a lengthy sentence. If you go out of your way to beat a man to death in a fashion that requires you to have to try to clean his blood off of the walls, then I'm afraid in my view he deserves everything he gets. 

There was a case locally to me where a scumbag beat his missus half to death. The judge doled out the harshes sentence he could and on the way out the guy said he was looking forward to prison. Half his family and most of his mates were there already. 

We're far far too soft when prison is a holiday destination. 

I am a believer of capital punishment.in cases where there is no doubt it should be mandatory.lee rigsby's killers.fred West.yorkshire ripper what justification is there for keeping these killers alive and cosseted for decades,all public services are being slashed as councils try to achieve the savage savings the government insist on yet the cost of keeping these people in what amounts to a life of ease and plenty has no limits.


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