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Charlie we of the league............yes, yes, yes!'re not a Toffee are you? :cry:

did I ever mention footyball is at the top of my list.

just saying

Charlie we of the league............yes, yes, yes!'re not a Toffee are you? :cry:
Just a simply great game!

I see ManC is top again - the ManDerby pretty much sucked.  Looked to me like everyone was so busy defending they forgot about scoring.  Kinda wish that Liverpool hadn't won but doesn't really make much difference.

I presume that Toffee is as in toff and fall fairly short of that.  I'm not sure what difference it would make anyway?  My culture reference is prolly not much class oriented.  Colonial, donchaknow.

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It's interesting to see our American Cousin having a reasonable stab at understanding our National game. Well done Wonko!

Clearly you have yet to gain a full understanding, as I'm sure someone with less tact than I (if that is possible?) will come along to explain the Toffee reference.

Of course this is impressive compared to a Brit trying to understand the rules of the American version of Football. I'm quite sure that most natural born Americans cannot understand all that goes on there? Do they complicate it as they go along??

It would be simpler all round if we all adopted the rules of the Australian game, that is based on the assumption that there are any rules? I have yet to see any rules applied during a game.

Anyway, up the Reds/Blues/Yellows/Greens or whatever! (Delete as appropriate).

P.S. I'm with Ips on Football. A pointless game (yes, Game, not sport!)  :smile:

Ian L

indeed, load of overpaid young blokes running around in short pants after a ball. After said ball gets caught in a net thing much hugging kissing and general jollyness ensues.

and the point is ??


this "game" is followed generally by the working classes with not tuppence to rub together and yet appear unphased that the bloke in short pants earns more in 90 English minutes than he does in a year of proper work down the pit or up a chimney......i don't get this.

please insert smiley of your choice

Ian L

indeed, load of overpaid young blokes running around in short pants after a ball. After said ball gets caught in a net thing much hugging kissing and general jollyness ensues.

and the point is ??


this "game" is followed generally by the working classes with not tuppence to rub together and yet appear unphased that the bloke in short pants earns more in 90 English minutes than he does in a year of proper work down the pit or up a chimney......i don't get this.

please insert smiley of your choice
At last! Someone who sees it "like it is".

Ips, you are so much like our mutual friend. (Who says Hello by the way!).  :wink:

OK - I have to admit that toffee still eludes me.  As does an interest in american football.  Way too much standing around and just general video game looking activity.  Aussie rules is pretty cool but we don't get much of that here.  And I'm sure there are rules in the same way that cricket has a purpose.

As to the objections raised above to what must be games in general - it's only business and it keeps the mobs distracted (prolly the most important part) from what is otherwise a slave-like existence.  So what's new?  And the game v/ sport reference?  Well, pretty much everything has become a game regardless of it's origin.  For my own purposes I've decided that sport involves killing something and everything else is a game.  Sports seem to have fewer rules as well but killing is def a purpose whether there is any post-kill culinary activity or not

JMO of course

now, about that toffee thing?

Everton mints[SIZE=small][[/SIZE]edit]

Another popular mint in the UK, also striped black and white, but with a toffee centre. The name derives from Everton Football Club, as it was first produced by a local woman in the 19th century for fans on their way to the matches.[citation needed] It was later sold toLiverpool company Barker & Dobson,[4] and is now distributed nationally under the Bassett's brand.[5]

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and just say it outright - toffee is an Everton fan.  Probably.

Like I've said before, with a name like Arsenal, and a cannon for a logo, what's not to love?  And that's about as deep as my fandom goes.  Having them win I project totally devoid of reason and irrationally as a win for the gun tribe!  Which I have to count as a good thing since my other tribal affiliations have mostly ceased to exist.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and just say it outright - toffee is an Everton fan.  Probably.

Like I've said before, with a name like Arsenal, and a cannon for a logo, what's not to love?  And that's about as deep as my fandom goes.  Having them win I project totally devoid of reason and irrationally as a win for the gun tribe!  Which I have to count as a good thing since my other tribal affiliations have mostly ceased to exist.
You got it - the Toffee thing! For some reason, most of the English football teams have some sort of nickname. Probably because pronunciation of the actual team name has, at some stage proved difficult while inebriated, or because it rhymed with the song of the day (for chanting purposes) and seemed like a good idea at the time?

As far as Arsenal goes, technically they should be called Woolwich, derived of course, from Woolwich Arsenal, hence the cannon in the logo. Of course, like everything gun related these days, I expect them to be banned any time soon, which in turn will suit The Red Devils, The Magpies, The Blues, The Reds, The Lilywhites, The Cottagers (allegedly without the Gay reference?), The Saints, The Hoops, The Lions, The Dons (not the Mafiosi type), The Eagles, The Seagulls, The Canaries, The Hatters, The Bantams and not forgetting Dirty Leeds. (Apologies if I have totally ignored your favourite team. It was done on purpose just to illustrate the futiliy of it all and prove it is only a 'Game' after all and nowhere near being as important as a matter of life and death.

And don't get me started on Rugby!!!!

Too late! Jim's gone and done it now!!!   :growl: Now that really is a Girl's game!! 

Again I concur with my learned friend Ian L

rugby, what kind of bloke wants to put his head between two other blokes butt cheeks then share a bubble bath ????

um !!!


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