General/shooting eye test musings

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2011
West Berks
I haven't shot at all since around April when I shot in the county DT and SB. My issue is not being able to see the clay as a defined disc and slow to pick it up out of the trench/trap.

I've been having eye tests since around 2005 as work has to pay for them being in front of a screen for most of the day. My first eye prescription for work was just over two years ago and that was a mild +0.5 in the left and +0.75 in the right.

My next eye test in early 2013 increased to +1.00 in the left and +1.50 in the right but I only needed to wear them for screen work and reading. I slowly recognised that clay targets were not as clear and defined as they used to be and it really struck me that the target was almost doubled in appearance - similar to when you stare at an object and let your eyes drift out of focus.

Recently I decided to do something about it. My work-paid eye test was due up last month so two weeks ago I visited an opticians who advertised on-line that they offered target sports advice.

The optometrist said my prescription would be the same as last time for reading and screen work with the addition of a +0.25 in the left for reading. I asked jokingly if this meant that now I am mid-40s, have I lost my HD vision? And she said pretty much yes. It also revealed that my right eye is essentially very weak (BAL was on the prescription which a quick on-line search means it's there for aesthetic purposes only, more-or-less)

I have a left master eye and I shoot from the left shoulder.

They offered me a very nice pair of Rudy Project sports glasses with 5 interchangeable colours for £229 with the option of a very minor prescription insert of +1.00 in the left to assist at an additional £160. I was very pleased with their service and would have no qualms about going back in the future, but I did not buy anything for now. I cycle a bit and they would also be suitable that that too.

However, I thought it warranted some more investigation so I popped over to Bisley on Saturday and shot 50 OT. Target definition absent and still blurred just as I recall, IMO due to my right eye weakness (shot an 18 and a 15 but I can't blame the low scores on just eyes). If I watch a target with my right eye covered the 'blurryness' is much less but I lose my depth of vision.

I'd booked a free eye test with Simon Goldsmith /JH Steward. He agreed with the prescription from two weeks ago for reading/screen work but sold me a pair of Zeiss glasses with a left lens presciption to help me focus more quickly, in a pink/orange tint, for the sum of £190 delivered. I now wait two weeks.

Thus my next pop will be soon after I receive these glasses - further thoughts to follow.

Things I've learned so far:

I may well never see a clay target as a defined disc again. That's ageing for you.

I've missed shooting.

I will recommend my nieces and nephews consider a career in eye stuff (or dentistry).

Should have gone to Ed....the leading expert in this field. If you pm him he might have a chat?

I too have recently become aware of the fact that I don't see targets as well as I did I think it's just an age thing but luckily at 50 most of the other essential things are still working quite well ,)

Ditto regarding seeing targets. I have become conscious recently that I actually need to get my eyes 'in focus' before calling for the target !! Never used to have to think about ??

Maybe I should give Mr Lyons a call as he is literally around the corner from my work.


There is only one person worth seeing; lyons! wouldn't touch the others with a barge pole with some of the disasters I've seen over the last 12 months!

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I too have recently become aware of the fact that I don't see targets as well as I did I think it's just an age thing but luckily at 50 most of the other essential things are still working quite well ,)
Show off  :spiteful:

I was talking about my hearing of course :)

unless mr lyons  has a majic wand  im doomed ,   seriously  ed lyons is top draw professional   and a keen clay shot ,  if he cant help you , start saving up for a Labrador .     ( that's not funny is it ) ? sorry !

And they have arrived today! Now to see if I can book tomorrow afternoon off and pop up OLSS - anyone for OT?

Shot 100 OT at OLSS yesterday, lovely day for it.

First impressions are neutral. The lens colour certainly helps viewing the orange targets. I suspect the left lens is very mild and he said that it was there to assist with focus speed. Targets still appear as more than one but then I expected that and that's the way it is.

They feel well made and so they should be for £190. If I am not too hungover tomorrow I will pop over to Bisley for a pop. Will I buy the 2nd pair with darkened lenses for £110? More testing required.

I will be interested to hear the outcome of more testing Toby.

I am contemplating another eye test and new glasses. While at work I was cleaning my shooting glasses ( Pillas with the inserts), as you do. I noticed that when looking through them at a moving image on a fairly large screen approximately 30ft away, my eyes had to refocus frequently and the moving image was a blur.

This wasn't the same through my regular glasses that I've had for approximately 8 months. So it could be the quality of the lenses perhaps or I need a new prescription.  


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