getting an SCTA number?

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Active member
Feb 28, 2013
maybe someone will have some insight into what's happening with these guys?

i sent off my membership form to the SCTA maybe 3 weeks ago, and was hoping i'd have received my membership number by now, as i'm keen to get to work on getting classifications and not going to registered shoots as a guest.

alas, not a word from them and they've not taken any funds from my account.   i've sent a message through the website, and a seperate email to the administrator, but also nothing......

i realise they're in a bit of a mess, and there's some sort of agm / egm looming, but does anyone know when this will be and when they're going to get on track?



it was him that i emailed.  however, i will give him a ring in a bit and see what's what.


ps, i think we met on sunday, i was there with simon simpson and you were chatting to him about getting coaching.....

We did meet, I remember, nice to be able to put a face to the name!!! Ian Dawson is difficult to get hold of, he works away during the week, his wife takes messages for him

likewise.  cheers for the tips regarding ian.  i'll get sorted sooner or later.

i'll see you at the fitasc at the end of the month i'm sure.


Sometimes it can be like getting blood out of a stone!! Good luck anyway and I hope it all turns out ok for you. I was a member for many years but after all the carry on this year, I decided not to renew my membership and joined the CPSA instead (traitor) :)

I took my money out of Northern Rock, I didn't shop at Woolworths and I never bought Comet gift vouchers!!

I presume you got this sorted? I am thinking about joining SCTA but not sure it's worth it until the start of the new "season".  

I noticed from their website they were in a bit of a pickle and the company was temporarily suspended, but that looks to have been resolved now.  Is there much point of joining CPSA if one only shoots in Scotland?

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Keep an eye on the SCTA website, they have a new administrator and it will take a week or two to get everything in place.

The new directors will be working hard in the back ground to get everything sorted... So it's worth the wait to join.

Can't believe someone let the company get struck off!

No doubt it will be fine until the next disaster occurs!

At least the CPSA have not sunk that low

The NSRA and NRA have both suffered from members money being lost through fraud so has that ever happened in the clay shooting organisations? 

Also makes one wonder what will happen if the Scots get independence - no doubt another bailout just waiting in the wings for the rest of us to pay for!

I must be feeling grumpy today or its the fact that I have a Scots father in law! :D

Phil Coley had me on a heart monitor one day...

"James, STOP...would it surprise you that your heart rate went from 105 to 159 in a second when you missed that clay?"

"Yes, I was only mildly annoyed by that miss!!!"

Robert 'mildly annoy's' pissing on my strawberrys!!!

"Robert 'mildly annoy's' pissing on my strawberrys"

Before or after they go on your trifle?


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