Glad you didnt

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
Ever been really glad you didn't ?

Sitting in lounge comfy cosy with cup of tea dog asleep at side of me, Lovely view of open countryside out if picture window. had a walk up local hill this morning with dog and my mum. Now Raining High Wind and Cold Outside.

Really glad now that I didn't bother with 260 mile round trip to shoot abt in this weather.

Yep. Was considering the 100 open sporting at Orston, but decided against late last night. Turns out to be a good decision - howling gales, freezing cold and p**sing down!

Nice warm house with all fires in - mmmm toastie

'Twas nice in the southeast today, sunny but blowing a bit. Glad I didn't bottle it and stay at home.

Wish I'd stayed for a second round as the rugby is proving to be rather embarrassing!


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Went and shot a local strawbailer

Not too bad, managed to hit somthing off every stand, 

Its just hammered it down about 20 minutes ago !!  


Fairly lovely day for me, bit of wind at Horne but when the sun shone it was lovely so enjoyed the 100 ESP. Then on to Dartford because thought it might rain but shot 75 Skeet, 25 UT and 100 DTL - bit windy as it is so flat there but stayed dry. Tony did all that an an extra 100 UT on his own and very pleased with himself as he got 97/100 and only two second barrel kills.

Yesterday also good OT and a bit of sporting at A1. Bit tired now.

Thought you were talking about the punk girl with the home made tat for a while there......... 

Tough day for me -  lit the new outdoor pizza oven for the first time and enjoyed lunch in the sun.  :beach:

But it did blow a bit and really p!ssed down later on, we were very fortunate.

Ever been really glad you didn't ?

Sitting in lounge comfy cosy with cup of tea dog asleep at side of me, Lovely view of open countryside out if picture window. had a walk up local hill this morning with dog and my mum. Now Raining High Wind and Cold Outside.

Really glad now that I didn't bother with 260 mile round trip to shoot abt in this weather.

Yep. Was considering the 100 open sporting at Orston, but decided against late last night. Turns out to be a good decision - howling gales, freezing cold and p**sing down! Nice warm house with all fires in - mmmm toastie Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
It's Grim Up North!!  :sarcastic:

Devon was bathed in sunshine most of the day. :biggrin:

Ruddy southern softies with there ooh it's warm darn sarf. Can't be doin with em meself

You need to be double ard :)

:santa: x
 You must be treble 'ard Santa. You come from the North Pole and you don't get much further North than that!!  :biggrin:

Strange, you only looked a little bit scary when I met you??  :sarcastic:


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